Great Work! Love the Macro! Please Advise

Continuing the discussion from By the Light! PvP / PvE v1.4 (6/7/24):

I love your macros. The only thing I’m struggling with is when I target/attack, it constantly tells me, "I require a target. “I need to target something first.” And on my screen, it flashes red to target something even though I’m bashing on a target.

Do you know how I could fix this?


should say this in that thread. go be part of the discussion. lol
more ppl can help and see you there.

I’m not sure what is causing that on your end. It might be the casting of Final Reckoning, since it needs a target. I usually have it target @player.

Did you change it to something else?

Does anyone know how the new GSE works? kann mir da einer weiter helfen