@apro how do you manage Bone Storm when using the macro? I find it uses up the runic power too quickly so that I wont have 100 when activating bone storm.
Hi Grant!
I have to say this is my absolute favorite tanking macro - I use it in pvp and I can hold off 3-4 attackers from taking flag almost indefinitely Also in world pvp, only the occasional frost or fire mage can wear me down (by keeping outside my strike range) but it takes forever - GREAT JOB on this!
I would love it if you could turn your mad GSE skills to making an Unholy PvP macro, aimed at equal parts burst/sustained dps and survivability - there are some good burst macros out there, but in arenas we are still a bit squishy, and with some of the recent changes to necrotic strike, death strike, etc., it would be great to be able to both dps down an opponent and survive to tell the tale - thank you Grant!
Quick report for this patch = 4/9 mythic and couple of M+ 15+ with this macro!
What would be your suggestion on PVP Talents for Blood… As in the OP Heartstop is a frost talent. Maybe last dance?
Hi Grant -
I still use this macro to this day - thank you! I hope you also make one for Shadowlands when that comes out - GREAT job!
Did you make any changes to the macro ? Looking to use this to lvl my DK
Thanks, haven’t logged in here or WoW for months but ye I’ll be back for Shadowlands or just before to start prepping
This is the best Blood Macro on this forums. I tried em all.
Hi everyone - I was wondering, if I change my first talent from blooddrinker to heartbreaker, will the macro still work?
thanks in advance for any help
Remove Blooddrinker from the script and you should be fine.
Hi Grant - Really looking forward to Shadowlands, and what you come up with for a macro for the expansion! I don’t know if this will make any sense, but I’m looking at the Night Fae covenant (I just love their death and decay animation/color, and the effect seems to have a strong synergy with blood dk’s), and am wondering if, in creating your macro, you could work whatever that covenant’s abilities are into the macro? Or, just give instructions of how to adapt the macro you create to include the Night Fae abilities - whichever is easier. Thanks Grant - your macro has made a WORLD of difference in how I play and the content we can now successfully complete in our guild!!!
Hello Works This with Patch 9.0.1? (prePatch)
Hi, just modify it to your needs, I am not going to optimize anything until SL release as it is pointless. I will share the odd macro that I make to level or baseline macros for classes I currently play, thanks
Are you gonna update for us? I like the way you do yours.
Hi Crypt! Hope you and your are all well - I would also love to see an update for your blood macro for SL - I was able to put in my Kyrian Shackle into your macro and it seems to work, but I don’t know if it is in the right/best place Anyway, thanks for all you do, and I’d love to try any frost or unholy LazyMacros you make, especially if they are for PvP
Thanks, I’m a bit slow out the gates with SL at the moment, haven’t leveled up the ALTs I want so I still need to optimize the DK as I rerolled mine, as soon as I have an update I’ll post it, thanks for the support guys n gals