Grim Cat leveling/farming

This is what I used for leveling and also farming out in the world. It’s a single target setup that doesn’t require you to be behind the target.

I’m sure someone with more knowledge could optimize it for more dps, but it gets the job done.

Since I couldn’t figure out how to make wow use the right version of mangle with GSE I just use it in a normal macro.

If for some reason it locks up, just stop pressing the button for 3 seconds and the macro will reset and start working.

/castsequence reset=target/3 Mangle(cat form), Savage Roar, Rake, Mangle(cat form), Rip, Mangle(cat form), Mangle(cat form)

Ye noticed the same in GSE. It wont accept the correct mangle version. Same if you go bear and use the swipe, it defaults to Swipe(cat) I belive. It defaults to the oposite of the one you want :stuck_out_tongue:

I’ve tried to read up on the GSE explaination made by Tim, I’ve tried adding $$ in the front in the block, after what I understood that was supposed to stop it from correcting it. Sadly no go >_<

I’ve tried what he posted on github but nogo for me.

$$/castsequence reset=target Mangle(Cat), Savage Roar, Mangle(Cat), Mangle(Cat), Mangle(Cat), Mangle(Cat)

if $$ doesnt work then you simply cant /castsequence that spell and need to

/use Swipe(bear)

The underlying issue is the two spells use the same spellid internally.

It turns out if you drag the spell from the spell book into GSE and add it to the cast sequence it works just fine :man_shrugging:

did not for me O.o Thats odd

Single block with /use Swipe(Bear form) works. For Cat sadly kinda need it in a sequence. Ohhh well :stuck_out_tongue:

Thanks anyways <3

Dragging the cat spells from the spell book didn’t work for you? That’s strange, chalk it up to the janky nature of wow classic I guess lol