GS-E 7.2 Brug's Perfected Macro

Ok Ferals,

I think I have perfected the macro now, I did a lot of studying and testing and I believe I’ve come up with one that is worthy of the High Performance tag!

Important - If using Autohotkey/Synaps/Logitech Gaming Software - Set to 2x your average in game latency (ex. mine is 45ms so I use 90ms.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Sometimes for unknown reasons the macro may hang, usually at the beginning of a fight, just have shred or rake handy and hit it manually, that should resolve the hang.

I just came back to feral, I had all but given up on it, and was playing Resto/Bear and even Boomkin. I decided to go back so that we can use different tanks in my raiding guild and I am really impressed.

Sequences['Brug_SR1'] = {
-- This Sequence was exported from GSE 2.2.03.
  Talents = "22X2331",
  Help = [[Talents:2221321, Berserk when energy is low.]],
  MacroVersions = {
    [1] = {
      StepFunction = "Sequential",
        "/cast [noform:2] Cat Form",
        "/cast [nostealth] Prowl",
        "/cast [stealth,nocombat] Rake",
        "/castsequence Savage Roar, null",
        "/cast [combat] Tiger's Fury",
        "/cast [combat] Ashamane's Frenzy",
        "/castsequence Savage Roar, Rip, Ferocious Bite",
        "/cast [combat] Rake",
        "/cast [combat] Thrash",
        "/cast [combat] Shred",
        "/cast [combat] Shred",

i get a “you are not in the correct specialization” error on this one too

I googled it, only thing I found was someone else was having the issue but had an outdated version of GSE. As long as your talents align, I am not sure why you would get this.

i just tried it with another feral macro and same problem but a few minutes ago my boomkin ones worked just fine actually for some reason boomkin is the only spec im not getting that error in. i tried guardian too.

are you switching your artifact weapons?

i figured out what it was, when i went to edit mode on the macro i unclicked on the use head,ring, trink, etc and that did it, i guess it was trying to use one of my trinkets and it was a boomkin trinket

For me it works nice. The last one was unstable, but these…congratulations on the good work !!!

Hello, thanks for the macro c:
Using it to wq and some casual play, i don’t know what i’m doing wrong, but sometimes it just stops to work, just auto attacking forever (i’m pressing it manually)
sorry the bad english, not my first language ;/

Your English is fine :slight_smile:

Thanks for the feedback, I too find this happens, I don’t believe it’s the actual macro but maybe a bug with GnomeSequencer. The way to resolve it is just to cast Rake and it will continue as normal.

Sequences['Brug_SR1'] = {
-- This Sequence was exported from GSE 2.1.00.
  Talents = "2221321",
  Help = [[Talents:2221321, Berserk when energy is low.]],
  MacroVersions = {
    [1] = {
      StepFunction = "Sequential",
        "/cast [noform:2] Cat Form",
        "/cast [nostealth,nocombat] Prowl",
        "/cast [stealth,nocombat] Rake",
        "/cast Savage Roar",
        "/castsequence Savage Roar, Rip",
        "/cast [combat] Rake",
        "/cast [combat] Thrash",
        "/cast [combat] Shred",
        "/cast [combat] Shred",
        "/cast [combat] Shred",
        "/cast [combat] Tiger's Fury",
        "/cast [combat] Ashamane's Frenzy",

Minor adjustments for consideration.

  • You could Change the /castsequence [stealth,nocombat] Rake to a /cast as you only have one spell in the line. This line may also be the cause of the Rake bug you are experiencing.
  • As you only seem to want to cast Savage Roar once at the start move it to PreMacro and make it a cast rather than a castsequence with a null.

For the “you are not in the correct specialization” errors, GSE doesn’t actually execute your macro. WoW does. GSE just prepares it for WoW to execute. These errors are coming from WoW itself and the usual cause is trying to use a trinket, artifact or legendary that has a dependancy on a specific spec.

Thanks Timothy!

I tried the adjusted macro, the /cast rake works fine, I am sure that will fix the bug.

The savage roar in the pre-macro doesn’t work, never fires. It does during the regular rotation.

The goal with the way I have it setup is to rake, then Savage Roar, then never go back to that line again. It works really well the way I have it coded, sometimes it doesn’t fire, but I would say more often or not it does.

I’ll edit my macro w/ the /cast rake instead of the castsequence.

Ok updated my macro, please use the latest, it has some DPS tweaks aswell.

No more lockups thanks to Timothy!

Yeah looking through further the Savage Roar is overridden by the other lines in KeyPress. The problem with putting GCD actions in KeyPress is that only One GCD action can be executed per actual key click. The first one that fires blocks all the others afterwards.

That was fast, thanks!
Seems like the problem is solved, but i think the dps decrease
idk, my ilv is low indeed but this version of the macro gave me that impression (i was using the first version you post)

Hmm… On a test dummy, the Rake fix worked perfect. In raid, it’s actually much worse :frowning: I have gone back to castsequence. So odd.

The firt time trying this macro. It locked and didnt do any attack. Dont know why using the talents posted.

Edit: Sometimes the macro locks, it happened to me again and it doesnt even start.

[quote quote=47793]The firt time trying this macro. It locked and didnt do any attack. Dont know why using the talents posted.
Edit: Sometimes the macro locks, it happened to me again and it doesnt even start.

The locking up issue is almost certainly caused by this line in your “keypress” section:

"/castsequence Savage Roar, null",

As Timothy already pointed out, it is generally not a good idea to place abilities that are on the GCD in the “Key press” section of the macro for a number of reasons. What is very likely happening here is that at some point in the rotation it hits this line without Combo points to cast Savage Roar and hangs. Move this line to the top line of the Body of the macro and it will work fine.

Hello, I wanted to give you some feed back. I use different talents with the macro Timothy posted which will help others I think. Here are the talents I picked 2,3,1,1,3,2,2 (Of course all this will change most likely in 3 weeks from today).
For number 3 (45 talent) Balance Affinity is a better choice for ferals because it give you an extra 5 yards. This is very helpful in NH with all the boss movements and when tanks drag bosses around. This does not affect the macro at all. #7 (100 talon) I use number 2 Bloodtalon, which does not affect the macro but gives you extra dps if you use regrowth after you expense your combo points on rip or ferocious bite. However, it will not help you if you do not push regrowth after rip or ferocious bite. GSE does not like to use Moment of Clarity and will yell at you for being an idiot. I found my dps dropped even more using MoC. I put regrowth in the second spot and when it flashed at me I pressed the button used bersek on cool down or during Lust/Hero.
Thanks for a great macro.

Is there a reason why feral macros are not even working and just locking up?

Sequences['Brug_SR1'] = {
-- This Sequence was exported from GSE 2.1.03.
  Talents = "2221321",
  Help = [[Talents:2221321, Berserk when energy is low.]],
  MacroVersions = {
    [1] = {
      StepFunction = "Sequential",
        "/cast [noform:2] Cat Form",
        "/cast [nostealth] Prowl",
        "/cast [stealth,nocombat] Rake",
        "/cast Savage Roar",
        "/castsequence Savage Roar, Rip",
        "/cast [combat] Rake",
        "/cast [combat] Thrash",
        "/cast [combat] Shred",
        "/cast [combat] Shred",
        "/cast [combat] Shred",
        "/cast [combat] Rake",
        "/cast [combat] Tiger's Fury",
        "/cast [combat] Ashamane's Frenzy",

I got this one to work