GS-E Disc DePS - Legion

Sequences['DiscDeeps'] = {
specID = 256,
author = "Draik",
helpTxt = "Talents 3113131",
icon = "Ability_Mage_FireStarter",
PreMacro = [[
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
'/cast Smite',
'/cast [nochanneling] Penance',
'/cast Halo',
'/cast Holy Nova',
'/cast Purge the Wicked',
'/cast Mindbender',
'/cast Schism',
'/cast Shining Force',
PostMacro = [[
/use [combat]13
/use [combat]14

Hey Draik, I tweaked your macro a lil. seems to help quite a bit, let me know if its worth mentioning. Changed one talent out.

“Talents 3213131”
added /cast [@focus] Power Word: Shield -before Smite
and added /castsequence [target=mouseover,help,nodead][] Plea, Shadow Mend -after /startattack

also added macro to another button for out of combat, without pulling something heals -
/castsequence [target=mouseover,help,nodead][] Power Word: Shield, Plea, Shadow Mend, Shadow Mend

If you can share what you have I’ll replace mine

I take no credit for this, just tweaked it a lil.

Sequences['KTN_DiscDeeps'] = {
specID = 256,
author = "KTN",
helpTxt = "Talents 3213131",
icon = "Ability_Mage_FireStarter",
PreMacro = [[
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
'/cast [@focus] Power Word: Shield',
'/cast Smite',
'/cast [nochanneling] Penance',
'/cast Halo',
'/cast Holy Nova',
'/cast Purge the Wicked',
'/cast Mindbender',
'/cast Schism',
'/cast Shining Force',
PostMacro = [[
/castsequence [target=mouseover,help,nodead][] Plea, Shadow Mend
/use [combat]13
/use [combat]14

and mouseover:
/castsequence [target=mouseover,help,nodead][] Power Word: Shield, Plea, Shadow Mend, Shadow Mend

Awesome. Ive also trued to add your Cast Sequence as a GS-E macro. Will update this when i know how it goes.

testing your maco KTN, and i go OOM sooooo fast. I’ve never healed tbh, not sure if im missing something but i am starving for mana with that macro, although it is fun and my burst was about 140k dps,lol.

@UnknownKing lol thats odd, i’m using more or less shadow gear, not sure if that makes any diff.
But either way, I’m glad u like it :slight_smile:

Edited it a bit.

Sequences['KTN_DiscDeeps'] = {
specID = 256,
author = "KTN",
helpTxt = "Talents 3213131",
icon = "Ability_Mage_FireStarter",
PreMacro = [[
/assist [@focus,exists,nodead]
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
'/castsequence [@focus,exists,help,nodead] Power Word: Shield, Power Word: Radiance,  Power Word: Shield',
'/castsequence [@mouseover,exists,help,nodead] Plea, Shadow Mend',
'/cast [combat] Smite',
'/cast [combat] Penance',
'/cast [combat] Halo',
'/cast [combat] Holy Nova',
'/cast [combat] Purge the Wicked',
'/cast [combat] Mindbender',
'/cast [combat] Schism',
'/cast [combat] Shining Force',
PostMacro = [[
/use [combat]13
/use [combat]14

Quick question . . . Holy Nova? I don’t see we have that anymore. Error or am I missing something?

Also what is the Combat 13 and 14?

13 & 14 are for the on use trinkets to fire off on CD. You can just delete if you want to control your trinkets.

KTN, thanks for the update and fast response. I will test the updated one as I also am mostly gear for shadow (ilvl 730) will update with results.

i go oom with this very fast as well but it is amazing in pvp

Not sure if the Mouse over part is working I was running the macro I had baddies targeted and while macro ran I mouse over ally and nothing He had 1/4 life and no matter if Portrait, character or focus it did not Plea or Shadow Mend. Anyone else notice this?

holy nova ?

Too much in that macro in my opinion, you need to have more control over what your casting. You need to keep things like purge the wicked, halo, shadowfiend, and lights wrath on separate key bindings to get the most out of them. Here’s a my pure DPS atonement macro:

Sequences['MYmacro'] = {
author="Thedemon@Bleeding Hollow",
source = "Local",
helpTxt = "Talents: 3211131",
StepFunction = GSStaticPriority,
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
"/cast Schism",
"/cast Power Word: Solace",
"/cast [nochanneling] Penance",
"/cast Smite",
/use [combat]13
/use [combat]14

This is a stat priority macro so its going to cast whatever is available starting at the top. This important because you want to cast Schism first (due to 30% damage buff) and keep it up as soon as its off cooldown with smite just as a filler. Rather than just casting 1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4 where ur losing a lot of dps.

(cast purge the wicked on your target before you start macro)

so where and how to we post these now , i see like 3 versions of gnome and i lost now :wink:

thanks to the community for all their hard work

are any of these macros still good to use currently?

This is what im presently using to heal mythic’s, as is.
In original gs form.

---Talents - 2 2 2 1 2 2 1---

Sequences['KTN_DDPS3'] = {
PreMacro = [[
/console Sound_EnableSFX 0
/use Potion of Prolonged Power
[[/cast [@player,nogroup] Power Word: Shield]],
[[/castsequence [@focus,exists,help,nodead] reset=combat Power Word: Shield, 
Power Word: Radiance, Power Word: Radiance, Power Word: Shield, Power Word: 
[[/cast [@mouseover,exists,help,nodead] Shadow Mend]],
[[/castsequence [combat] Penance, Penance]],
[[/castsequence [combat] Penance, Penance]],
[[/castsequence [nochanneling] reset=target Purge the Wicked, Smite, Smite, 
Smite, Smite]],
[[/castsequence [combat] Penance, Penance]],
[[/cast [combat] Power Word: Solace]],
[[/cast [combat] Divine Star]], 
[[/cast [combat] Light's Wrath]],      
PostMacro = [[
/cast [combat] Fade
/cast [combat] Power Infusion
/cast [combat] Shadowfiend           
/script UIErrorsFrame:Hide();
/console Sound_EnableSFX 1

Should be noted i have both the Legendary belt and boots.

I used SwagyttheGod’s macro with a Razer Key press Macro with .050 delay. It has enough pauses to allow for casting Plea and Shields between casts if needed. I agree with Swagy that some cooldowns and abilities should be manually executed, hence why Light’s Wrath is not in the Macro. Hope this helps.

In addition I added [NoChanneling: Penance] to stop Penance from being clipped when using a AutoKey Press macro and a different set of talents.

Sequences['TM_DP_DPS'] = {
  Talents = "3,1,3,1,3,2,1",
  Help = "Original Macro is SwagytheGod converted to GS2.0",
  MacroVersions = {
    [1] = {
      StepFunction = "Priority",
        "/targetenemy [noharm][dead]reset=target",
        "/cast [nochanneling: Penance] Schism",
        "/cast Power Word: Solace",
        "/cast [nochanneling: Penance] Penance",
        "/cast [nochanneling: Penance] Smite",

@LOAP, Going to try this macro and build out real quick in a mythic.