GS-E Frost Pre-Legion Patch 7.0.3 - 1 Button with Modifiers

This works for me. It’s one button with mods. It works with several talent builds.

Shift is for Brain Freeze procs (Instant Flurry Followed by Ice Lance)
Alt is for fingers of frost procs (Ice Lance does 3x damage)
Keep in mind that SHIFT AND ALT will stop your casting and therefor only cast insta-casts

For AOE just cast a Blizzard to start it out.

Sequences['Oak_FrostMage'] = {
helpTxt = 'Talents: 1121122 - Works for several different tallent builds. Shift for Brain Freeze Procs, Alt for fingers of frost procs',
StepFunction = GSStaticPriority,
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
/cast [nopet,nomod] Summon Water Elemental
[[/stopcasting [mod:shift]
/castsequence [mod:shift] reset=target/combat Flurry,Ice Lance
/stopcasting [mod:alt]
/cast [mod:alt] Ice Lance
"/cast [nochanneling,combat,nomod] Frozen Orb",
"/cast [nochanneling,nomod] !Glacial Spike",
"/cast [nochanneling,combat,nomod] !Rune of Power",
"/cast [nochanneling,combat,nomod] Mirror Image",
"/cast [nochanneling,combat,nomod] Ray of Frost",
"/cast [nochanneling,combat,nomod] Ice Nova",
"/cast [nochanneling,nomod] Frostbolt",
/use [nochanneling,combat,nomod]13
/use [nochanneling,combat,nomod]14
/cast [nochanneling,nomod] Ice Barrier
/cast [nochanneling,combat,nomod] Ice Floes
/cast [nochanneling,combat,nomod] Icy Veins

how do i had this to macro in game