GS-E Future Questions

The columns for that are:
SequenceName,Step,Spell,Is it Castable?(GCD or under its own Cooldown), Are resources available (Mana, Combo Points, Holy Power - Whatever)

Oh I like that pic, surprisingly I think I understand what is going on lol.

I Just released 1.3.8 via Curse and WowInterface.

This is the first cut of a SequenceDebugger. This allows you to see at execution exactly what your macro is doing keypress by keypress. I will have options in a later build so that you can change the columns, order, add a timestamp etc however you need to output this.

If you are one of the lucky ones, you get to turn this off. WTF defaulted this to true about version 0.7 and its been not working dead code ever since. I have changed the value in 1.3.9 to be a different setting so that it defaults off.

I’ve started work on 1.4

Editor Changes

  • Put the editor window in a Scrolling Frame so that Help Text can be added or just make it bigger.
  • Separate Save and Close
  • /console Reloadui may loose local session changes as in some weird cases the changes are not saved to WTF (Thanks Blizzard!). See if there is another way of updating the StepFunction that doesnt require a reload.
  • Click the Icon to change Icon
  • Drag the icon to drag the macro to your action bar.

Add Transmit Button

  • On Click popup a window with a text box that has a battletag, charname etc with OK to send the current macro. If the user has all macros displayed they can send macros for other classes. This will enable you ingame to send a macro to another player running GS-E.

Add a LDB button for /gsse

  • Left Click - GSSE
  • RightClick - Debug interface
    LibDataBroker will allow you easier integration into UO’s like Elv

Create a GUI for Debugging.

  • Create a frame with a text box and a Enable/Disable, Pause, Clear, Options buttons
  • Add a timer to watch GSDebugOutput and append that to the end of the text box.

The main focus here will be GUI and QOL changes. The full list is located

If there is something to add or something you would like added please create an issue in GitHub.

I will have some screenshots when I get home from work but a lot of this have been done. I have the GUI to be able to send a macro to someone ingame but need some feedback on what you would expect to happen. This is an interesting question in that I’ve also added in LibDataBroker support for feedback.

Before we begin there will be an option to IGNORE all sequences that are sent via comms.

I’m adding options to change all print output to be either a console message or a note on the LDB tooltip or both.

The things I plan to do:

  • Change the LDB tooltip to show X incoming sequence(s)
  • Print a message to the chat

What would you be expecting would happen if you received a Sequence? What logical steps would you expect to happen?

Would you want it to add to your library automatically? I really don’t like this as an option as I don’t want someone sending something that you as the user do not review. I don’t like the idea of some random sending me a sequence and it just loading in when I wasnt expecting it. SUre there are bundled sequences and sequence addons packs but its there to easily review for anything malicious. If you want an accept all capability do you want a whitelist ie is it someone in my guild or on my friends/Bnet list?

Hello Tim,

That is great and whenever I get on I can always help you test it if I am not in the middle of something.

I probably would like to see some sort of loading bar effect, even if is transfer really quick at least do like a second delay. It could be a pie circle loading from 0% to 100% or the usual bar from left to right until full and say something like “Transfer Complete”.

Ok so I have power back and Internet via 3g. Yes this is the dark ages. I just uploaded to Curse a new Beta for GS-E 1.4. The fixes and changes are as follows:

General Execution Changes

  • Macros automatically reset when out of combat
  • Global option to change this back to the old behaviour

Editor Changes

  • Put the editor in a Scrolling Frame so that Help Text can be added
  • Separate Save and Close
  • Add Transmit Button
  • Dont have to reload when changing StepFunction


  • Add a LDB button for /gsse
  • On Middle Click popup a window with a text box that accepts charname etc with OK to send a macro to another user. If the user has all macros displayed they can send macros for other classes.
  • Left Click - GSSE
  • RightClick - Debug interface

Create a GUI for Debugging.

  • Create a frame with a text box and a Enable/Disable, Pause, Clear, Options buttons
  • Add a timer to watch GSDebugOutput and append that to the end of the text box.
  • /gsse debug console command
Would appreciate some testers including some international ones before I release to the world

GS-E 1.4.4 was release for 7.2 via Curse this morning. I will get it onto wow interface when i get a chance. (About to board a plane for Sydney in 10 mins.)

The super short change list:
Macro Recorder - Record your actions and turn that into a macro
ptBR - WLM User LPNV has been translating the mod to ptBR.
7.1 fixes
Inner Loop Macros.

I just want to thank you for all the work you do. I may not understand all the work that is done here, but im a programmer myself so i do know abit about the passion behind the work. I would probably not enjoy WoW as much as i do now if it wasnt for GS and GS:E.
Thank you again and i hope you will continue to dedicate your work into this awesome addon.

Sorry if it shouldnt be posted in this thread ^^

Good work by the way,

I found an answer to my loop question. But the other one that is interesting is the following:

Import from Weakaura… This looks only like a stub in the last build I was looking at, but I am curious.

Hi Sean

Its something I am working on and i go back and poke it from time to time. For plugin Authors, the idea was to be able to store the WeakAuras strings with your macros. Its very close but its a case of missed-it-by-that-much

GS-E 1.5 Alpha is out. I am asking for some feedback.

All the GS-DraikMacros are disabled by default.

The icon here can be dragged to your action bar. I want to get it so that you can click on it and change the icon. The blue book icon atm is for disabled macros. This icon will prob change to something more obvious but

What are you expecting to happen when you drag a disabled macro? Should it enable?

1.5 is now out. As well as the Icon in post above the following were fixed.

  • Fix for Soul Cleave for #113
  • Debugging for Internal loop #114
  • Add an icon to the viewer and allow it to drag off the Macro. #84
  • Update DraikMacros to be administratively disabled. #110
  • Add cancelform and startattack to the list of valid actions #115

I need to ask can I get banned from my wow account for using GS-E sorry if I sound dull I’m new to GS-E

you will not be banned for using GS-E, most of us have been using it for years and years with no problems.

To add some context to that answer. GSE is not a bot or a botting program. Its a mod that uses only the functions exposed from the World of Warcraft API. It doesnt use any third party exe’s and while it can be smart about how it does things it still works to the rules that Blizzard have set on mods making choices instead of players.

Because of this you wont get banned for using GSE. If Blizzard is unhappy with what GSE Does it will change the API like it did with Deadly Boss Mods in the 7.1.0 patch with range finding. Blizzard didn’t like how that worked so it changed the API. They didn’t ban everyone who had used DBM.