GS-E Holy Priest Heal 7.0.3

This is what I have found to work the best for my playstyle.

Sequences['KTNHOLYSINGLE5'] = {
helpTxt = 'Talents - 3 2 3 1 3 3 2',
/assist [@focus,exists,nodead]
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
/cast Berserking
/cast Fade
'/castsequence reset=target [@mouseover,exists,help,nodead] Renew, Flash Heal, Flash Heal, Flash Heal, Flash Heal, Flash Heal',
'/castsequence [@focus,exists,nodead] Body and Mind, Renew', 
'/cast [@focus,exists,nodead] Prayer of Mending',
'/cast [@focus,exists,nodead] Holy Word: Serenity',
'/cast [combat] Halo',
/use 13
/use 14

And the dps for down time:

Sequences['KTNHOLYDEEPS5'] = {
helpTxt = 'Talents - 3 2 3 1 3 3 2',
/assist [@focus,exists,nodead]
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
/cast Berserking
/cast Fade
'/cast [combat] Holy Word: Chastise',
'/cast [combat] Holy Fire',
'/cast [combat] Smite',
/use 13
/use 14

Wondering if someone can update this and add AOE healing?

Heres what i’m using presently:

Sequences['KTNHOLYSINGLE5'] = {
helpTxt = 'Talents - 3 2 3 1 3 3 2',
/targetlasttarget [noexists,nocombat]
/use [dead] Findle's Loot-A-Rang
/assist [@focus,exists,nodead]
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
/cast Berserking
/cast Fade
'/castsequence [@focus,exists,nodead] Body and Mind, Renew', 
'/cast [@focus,exists,nodead] Prayer of Mending',
'/cast [@focus,exists,nodead] Holy Word: Serenity',
'/castsequence reset=target [@mouseover,exists,help,nodead] Renew, Heal,  Prayer of Healing, Heal, Heal, Prayer of Healing, Heal',
'/cast [combat] Halo',
/use 13
/use 14

Thanks for sharing @Killthenoise! Is there a Single target heal and AOE Heal you use?

Nah, i know i probably should, but i use that in dungeons, raids, pvp.

Anyone able to use the heals macro without setting your target as the focus? This is unusable in 5mans. I cant set each person to a focus.

Not quite sure why you would want to, the focus is for the tank, and only the tank. it covers single and aoe healing.
The mouseoveer part is for every one else.

Thanks for this macro. Been looking to try out healing on a Priest. Just to test my understanding of how this would work:

  1. Right click Tank>Set Focus
  2. Spam button to heal
  3. Mouseover other targets and spam button to heal.
  4. Profit.

@Sean Triple yessir thats the jist of it :wink:

ktn you still running this? almost 102 so i can pick up the holy artifact

@Turi yessir with the exception of changing the halo part to [[/cast [mod:alt] Halo]],

thank you,loving it

do you have to hover over target? mouse over not working on raid frames

Hmm not sure why it isnt working on mouseover, i know it takes a second or 2 to register on the mouseover because it cycles thru the macro. but other than that should be working as intended.


any updates for this @killthenoise?

@Hitman182 I havn’t been playing holy in quite some time, only playing disc anymore. but as far as any updates, the noly thing I have changed for the original is to combine the two, the heals and dps macros. i just added in:

[[/cast [combat] Holy Word: Chastise]],
[[/cast [combat] Holy Fire]],
[[/cast Smite]],

between the

[[/castsequence reset=target [@mouseover,exists,help,nodead] Renew, Heal,  
Prayer of Healing, Heal, Heal, Prayer of Healing, Heal]],
[[/cast [combat] Holy Word: Chastise]],

lines so it looks like

[[/castsequence reset=target [@mouseover,exists,help,nodead] Renew, Heal,  
Prayer of Healing, Heal, Heal, Prayer of Healing, Heal]],
[[/cast [combat] Holy Word: Chastise]],
[[/cast [combat] Holy Fire]],
[[/cast Smite]],

hey dude any chance of updating the main macro i loved this but have been away for some time and i see you’ve talked about the mod alt and that but dont know how to add this

Been playing around with it a bit, and well, this is what i have working pretty smoothly, using it in raids, mythics, regs etc etc. I basically just turn it on and roll with it. Mouse over the party/raid frames for single target heals, set the tank as focus at the beginning and roll.

---Talents - 3 2 3 1 1 1 3---

Sequences['KTNHH'] = {
/console Sound_EnableSFX 0
/assist [@focus,exists,nodead]
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
/castsequence reset=target [@mouseover,exists,help,nodead] Renew, Flash 
Heal, Heal, Heal
/cast [@mouseover,exists,help,nodead] Light of T'uure
[[/cast [@player,nogroup] Body and Mind]],
[[/castsequence [@focus,exists,nodead] Body and Mind, Renew]], 
[[/castsequence [@focus,exists,nodead] Prayer of Mending, Prayer of 
[[/cast Circle of Healing]],
[[/cast [combat] Holy Word: Chastise]],
[[/cast [combat] Holy Fire]],
[[/cast [combat] Smite]],
/cast [@player] Holy Word: Sanctify
/cast [combat] Fade
/script UIErrorsFrame:Hide();
/console Sound_EnableSFX 1

Edit, I have to admit, for me this is a “One Button Win, Win, Win”.

cheers man much appreciated whats it like on mana consumption it doesnt seem to work on importing mate it says succesfull but isnt going into sequence viewer