(GS-E) Legion 7.3 Macro – Brew Monk

Here is some im trying out atm, still in heavy testing.

You need to use Purifying Brew and Exploding Keg manually

For tier 7 talent, i prefer [High Tolerance]

Sequences['Brew-T'] = {
-- This Sequence was exported from GSE 2.2.00.
  Talents = "2,?,3,?,1,1,2/3",
  MacroVersions = {
    [1] = {
      StepFunction = "Priority",
        "/targetenemy [noharm][dead]",
        "/cast Keg Smash",
        "/cast Blackout Strike",
        "/cast [combat] Breath of Fire",
        "/castsequence Ironskin Brew, Rushing Jade Wind, Rushing Jade Wind",
        "/cast Expel Harm",
        "/castsequence  reset=combat  Tiger Palm, Tiger Palm, Keg Smash, Tiger Palm, Healing Elixir, Tiger Palm, Tiger Palm, Keg Smash, Tiger Palm, Tiger Palm",
        "/castsequence  reset=combat  Keg Smash, Tiger Palm, Tiger Palm, Tiger Palm",
        "/cast Keg Smash",
        "/cast [combat] Breath of Fire",

how do you find this performs? how high are you able to go with it and at what ilvl?

its only tested on WQ and bg and some random stuff, ilvl only at 850

testing will post results when I get them

Ill test this one later tonite in some m+… Im a 930 ilvl monk so can try some higher lvl m+ ???

Eagerly awaiting results

Doesnt keep IB up at all…too long between it so u wont get 100% uptime

[quote quote=54852]Doesnt keep IB up at all….too long between it so u wont get 100% uptime

Try remove one “Rushing Jade Wind”

Like this…

Sequences['Brew-T'] = {
-- This Sequence was exported from GSE 2.2.00.
  Talents = "2,?,3,?,1,1,2/3",
  MacroVersions = {
    [1] = {
      StepFunction = "Priority",
        "/targetenemy [noharm][dead]",
        "/cast Keg Smash",
        "/cast Blackout Strike",
        "/cast [combat] Breath of Fire",
        "/castsequence Ironskin Brew, Rushing Jade Wind",
        "/cast Expel Harm",
        "/castsequence  reset=combat  Tiger Palm, Tiger Palm, Keg Smash, Tiger Palm, Healing Elixir, Tiger Palm, Tiger Palm, Keg Smash, Tiger Palm, Tiger Palm",
        "/castsequence  reset=combat  Keg Smash, Tiger Palm, Tiger Palm, Tiger Palm",
        "/cast Keg Smash",
        "/cast [combat] Breath of Fire",

Can you make this macro so it supports the best dps route if you take Blackout Combo? I’d like to have 2 versions and test out which one brings higher dps.

According to Peakofserenity.com:

The basics
Spec Blackout Combo, Rushing Jade Wind, Black Ox Brew, Eye of the Tiger.

Ks = Keg Smash
BoS = BlackOut Strike
TP = Tiger Palm
BoF = Breath of Fire
RJW = Rushing Jade Wind
EK = Exploding Keg

Single target Hit KS on cd. Hit BoS on cd. Hit TP after BoS when KS is on cd. Use BoF and RJW as fillers when BoS and KS are both on cooldown, and use them at the position in the cycle sequence each cycle; If RJW is your filler after the first bos+tp in your first cycle, it should be your filler after the first BoS+TP in the next cycle, too.. EK can be used in the same way, as close to on CD as possible, but preferrably when KS and BoS are both on cd. The long cd on EK means you can hold it quite a bit without risking losing a cast of it over the course of a regular bossfight. If you can use it with even one add up rather than just on single target, its worth delaying the cast a whole minute for it; its damage scales 100% per target. Note: You want to empower every TP, casting unempowered Tiger Palms is a DPS loss.

I decided to just go ahead and make this a new post, but I created a BOC macro, if you want to check it out.


It seems Ironskin Brew kept burn 3 times straight inside the castsequence. Looked like not working right since it supposed prevent overrun Ironskin Brew instead keep every 6 seconds after execute a castsequence.


I looked inside GSE and I saw the Ironskin brew shown as red highlight means not accept inside the castsequence. Very strange, all my GSE and libs are up to dated. Just wanted check with you to see if it working for your side maybe it just my side problem with GSE with your macro.

Let me know thanks

I’ve also seen Ironskin Brew as red. I think it’s because that ability can’t be ‘cast’ and must be ‘/use’ instead. Just a theory.


Your right, I figured it out, I actually solved the problem and now my Ironskin Brew uptime perfected 100% timing using the LoopLimit which I remembered what John Q told me about the LoopLimit. It worked using Pre-Macro command for the Ironskin Brew.

I am running 140ms on Logitech gaming mouse software repeat delay combine with the LimitLoop so I don’t burn whole Ironskin Brew 3x at once instead run 6 seconds then renew 6 seconds rinse and repeat. :smiley:

Is the macro on the first post the updated one with the looplimit changes?

havent played for the last 3 months or more, but unless something in GS-E is changed, it should still work…

/castsequence Ironskin Brew, Rushing Jade Wind, Rushing Jade Wind

it first cast, “ironskin brew”, then “Rushing Jade Wind”, and then “Rushing Jade Wind” again… Rushing Jade Wind cant be spammed, cause it has 6 sec cd…so it should take atleast 12 sec or more, from the first “ironskin brew” to next time its being casted.

But i cant fix it or test it atm, cause im still not playing :slight_smile:

The red text does not mean it will not work nor that it doesn’t belong in a castsequence.
What it actually means it it will need to be modified manually to another language in order to be used if it’s used on another language client version.


It doesn’t let me run Ironskin brew inside castsequence and I had to put Ironskin Brew in Pre-Macro with the LoopLimit which I learned from John Q (One of best macro in some classes). It worked very well for my monk brewmaster.

This one that worked out with the Ironskin brew uptime using Pre-Macro and LoopLimit.

You need adjust the LoopLimit depends on how much you have haste on your Monk Brewmaster have. My Monk has 18% haste so I adjusted 4 in LoopLimit so that mean when my Ironskin Brew timer reach rough around 2~4 seconds and it will execute Ironskin Brew every time.

Some folks PM’d me and wanted the macro so Here I posted.

Sequences['Brew-T'] = {
-- This Sequence was exported from GSE 2.2.03.
  Talents = "2,?,3,?,1,1,2/3",
  MacroVersions = {
    [1] = {
      StepFunction = "Priority",
        "/targetenemy [noharm][dead]",
        "/cast Ironskin Brew",
        "/cast Keg Smash",
        "/cast Blackout Strike",
        "/cast [combat] Breath of Fire",
        "/cast [@player] Exploding Keg",
        "/cast Expel Harm",
        "/castsequence  reset=combat  Tiger Palm, Tiger Palm, Keg Smash, Tiger Palm, Tiger Palm, Keg Smash",
        "/castsequence  reset=combat  Tiger Palm, Tiger Palm, Key Smash, Tiger Palm, Tiger Palm, Key Smash",
        "/use 13",
        "/use 14",
        "/cast Keg Smash",
        "/cast [combat] Breath of Fire",

Honestly u guys need to deal with Brews manually. its one thing to have the dps rotation set in an automated set, but brews are something different. i handle the brews manually, seems to work best that way. u can ISB or Purify when needed. and its not that hard, plus u make for a much better tank, not wasting brew’s. or overlapping them.

well yea if u do mythic dungeons or raids, but i only used it for solo, random lfg normal/hc :slight_smile:

Again, i never had any problems with my macro iron brew was never used more than 1 time per 6/12 sec, and i cant test it to see if something is changed.
Dont know about that LoopLimit thing, but it sounds interesting :smiley: