(GS-E) Pre-Legion 7.0.3 Macro – Shadow Priest

Not working good for me, toon has spams , casts my wand, not really good

[quote quote=31503]Single Target:

Macro 1 – Bar 1

['Sha-Dps'] = {
specID = 258,
author = "Zole",
helpTxt = "Dps Single - Talent: 1212231",
icon = "Ability_Mage_FireStarter",
StepFunction = GSStaticPriority,
PreMacro = [[
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
	'/castsequence reset=/target Mind Blast,Mind Blast,Mind Blast,Vampiric Touch',
	'/castsequence reset=/target [nochanneling] Mind Flay,Mind Flay,Mind Flay,Shadow Word: Pain',
PostMacro = [[
/cast [combat] Mindbender
/swapactionbar 1 5

Macro 2 – Bar 5

Sequences['Sha-Dps2'] = {
specID = 258,
author = "Zole",
helpTxt = "Dps Single - Talent: 1212231",
icon = "Ability_Mage_FireStarter",
PreMacro = [[
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
	'/castsequence reset=target Shadow Word: Pain,null',
	'/castsequence  reset=target Vampiric Touch,null',
	'/cast Void Eruption',
PostMacro = [[
/swapactionbar 1 5

Need to add Sequences in front of [‘Sha-Dps’] (I’m sure that was just a copy / paste error. lol

haha thanks, yea u are right, must have been a copy/paste error… I have changed the post to fix it :slight_smile:

Thanks for this! I just started a Shadow Priest at level 90 boost and been having fun thanks to your macro!

[quote quote=32123]OK, here’s my take on this sequence. I personally put SW:D in the macro, because what’s the point of a onebutton macro if you have a dozen buttons you have to trigger responsively? Moved SW:P and Vamp to cast once on each new target. In the rare case where there is only 1 target that lives a long time, I just click off the target and let the macro snap back on to refresh DOTs. I had a sequence to keep them refreshed, but then you wind up wasting time in Shadowgod form recasting DOTs. Threw Mind Bomb in there because it’s instant cast, it’s a free stun, and why the heck not.

Sequences['Sha-Dps'] = {
specID = 258,
author = "DD",
helpTxt = "Dps Single - Talent: 1212231",
icon = "Ability_Mage_FireStarter",
PreMacro = [[
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
	'/castsequence reset=/target Shadow Word: Pain, null',
	'/cast Void Eruption',
	'/cast Mind Blast',
	'/cast [nochanneling] Vampiric Embrace',
	'/cast [nochanneling] Mind Bomb',
	'/castsequence reset=/target Vampiric Touch, null',
	'/cast Shadow Word: Death',
	'/cast [combat] Mindbender',
	'/cast [nochanneling] Mind Flay',
PostMacro = [[
/use [combat] 13
/use [combat] 14

Sequences['Sha-Aoe'] = {
specID = 258,
author = "DD",
helpTxt = "AoE Dps - Talent: 1212231",
icon = "Ability_Mage_FireStarter",
PreMacro = [[
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
	'/castsequence reset=/target Shadow Word: Pain, null',
	'/cast Void Eruption',
	'/cast [nochanneling] Vampiric Embrace',
	'/cast [nochanneling] Mind Bomb',
	'/cast Shadow Word: Death',
	'/cast Mind Blast',
	'/cast [combat] Mindbender',
	'/cast [nochanneling] Mind Sear',
PostMacro = [[


Warlock DPS rotation macro

Reference this thread. On my warlock, the dots refresh at 5seconds until fall-off. If you can replicate this scenario in this sequence, the macro should work without having to drop off target. This way you would only have to remove and configure to your liking Post-Macro, rather than having 2 buttons for your casts.

[quote quote=32373]Not working good for me, toon has spams , casts my wand, not really good

If you are a caster with a wand and have the line /startattack in it, it will cause you to attack with your wand. You may delete the line /startattack to fix that. This command imho only belongs in melee character macros for this reason, not to mention the gcd loss :wink:

Hiya Zole,

I can’t figure out the bartender settings can you send some screenshots of your setup? Both bars look like the same icon and are totally locked when I try it…I am sure I have it configured incorrectly, but there seems to not be a lot documentation perhaps its intuitive but not for me.

Took me a bit to figure out how to enable bar swapping in my BT4, but this macro works pretty good. Any chance of getting an AOE one? for now i have just been spamming mind sear. lol

Zole, have you updated these macros yet with Void Torrent?

Still going back n forth trying to get the bar swapping to work correctly in ElvUI. So modded the original ST and use it with Void Torrent, no matter what, I get irritated at Voidform lasting < “I want”, so at least get that 4 seconds.

Anyone using Power Infusion instead of MindBender?

Try out / Test it with adding “/castsequence [nochanneling]reset=(perhaps here also the cooldown time)/target/combat bla bla the spells”, to All casting lines within the sequences. and in the pre or post macro you do don’t use the reset= option, unless you want to use a time like [nochanneling]reset=10 bla bla.