GS-E Spitz PVE

[quote quote=36908]slight noob question. but i use your macro and love it. except for the fact that my rejuvenation is not useable while im in cat form! i keep getting the error info ” you are in shapeshift form ” any way i can fix this if any of you guys are having this problem. i have copied and pasted it the way u have it listed the macro spitz. i just don’t know what’s goin on why i can’t heal myself other than manually clicking off whatever shift i’m in. and it goes for all my specs not just feral. i cannot rejuv myself in bear form as guardian/ can’t rejuv myself in boomy and i cant auto cast rejuv to pop me out of cat form when i use displacement beast in resto. i have to click cat form off manually! it really concerns/bothers me alot that it locks me in shift form because i rely on my buttons that i already am used to to just heal. not be delayed 2-3 seconds cuz i have to hover over my shift and click it off. specially when i pvp. please help if there’s a solution. thanks in advance. great job with the macro as well ty!

Absolutely no clue as to how you are stuck in this situation. The only solution I can see is if you make new macros for your 4 heals. Not GSE macros, just regular in game macros:

/console autounshift 1
/cast [@player] Rejuvenation (for the other 3 heals just replace Rejuv with Swiftmend Regrowth Healing Touch)

Give them the same icon and name the macro the same. Let me know if that works. I just tried both ways and I have no issue with just hitting Swiftmend and it popping me out of cat form itself and then the macro takes back over and pops me to cat. You got something special wrong with your client. haha :slight_smile:

If i am not mistaken you are talking about the procced heal from one of the talents… this was rejuve a long time ago. It is now only usable with Regrowth.

the rejuv macro spitz gave me works great. thanks! i’ll just keep on that macro for now. cuz when u rejuv yourself gives you human form to heal with all my healing spells. so thank you that saves me a bunch!

if anyone know what kind of dps should i be pulling at 865 itlvl. specially wit the damn 20% rake nerf we just got! i currently got myself at 165 Dps on Dragons on Heroic in EN

[quote quote=36968]if anyone know what kind of dps should i be pulling at 865 itlvl. specially wit the damn 20% rake nerf we just got! i currently got myself at 165 Dps on Dragons on Heroic in EN

Have you tried using Wannabe’s macro as well? Give it a try for some variety. Just remember to take out Ashmane’s Frenzy and make it a line by itself…it could lock you up mid fight.

Hi can you tell me if the macro in the 1st post is the most up to date version?

[quote quote=37256]Hi can you tell me if the macro in the 1st post is the most up to date version? Thanks

The only change is to take out Healing Touch and replace it with Regrowth. I would update the original but I forgot the password I used for that other Spitz account.

[quote quote=36823]Sequences[‘Spitz_Feral’] = {
helpTxt = ‘Talents: 3311322’,
PreMacro = [[
/cast [@focus,dead] Rebirth
/cast [noform:2] !Cat Form
/cast [nostealth,nocombat] Prowl
“/castsequence reset=combat Rake, Moonfire, Shred, Savage Roar, Shred, Rake, Moonfire, Shred, Rip”,
“/cast [combat] Tiger’s Fury”,
“/cast [combat] Mighty Bash”,
“/cast [combat] Ashamane’s Frenzy”,
[[/console autounshift 0
/cast [@player, combat] Regrowth
/console autounshift 1]],

Copied this exactly into my druid folder of gsse.

it shows up in game and i put it on razer naga 1
key on the side with 0.200 set on intervals.

It does the rotation once, and then spams " you are
in shapeshifted form " , and does nothing after.

I have no other macro’s ingame so i dont understand
whats interfering.

Im getting pretty fed up with it since it looks like im
the only one with the problems on any class i play.

What am i missing here, since the only class that
realy works is dk. Rogue struggles a lot, altho a lot
are saying its perfect, and now trying feral again…
it stops.

So must be me… right?

Try getting onto the discord chat and asking for help there?

I am getting the shapeshifting spam as well… only thing i can think of is that it is trying to cast the regrowth without the omen proc.

[quote quote=37483]I am getting the shapeshifting spam as well… only thing i can think of is that it is trying to cast the regrowth without the omen proc.

NO, even when i take that out, it doesnt work, one bit.

My wife loves to play here feral druid, but she is not that pro in it. So i tried to help her abit with this macro.
So i installed Gnome Sequencer advanced and tried this macro.

But importing this macro is not that easy, so i had to play abit with it.

It seems everything works now for me except one thing, i cant figure out how to cast regrowth when it procs. I tried everything what you suggest in this topic but nonen seems to work.

But are you using another addon for this macro?

this is how i managed to use it with Gnome Sequencer:


/cast Wild Charge
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]


/castsequence reset=combat Rake, Moonfire, Shred, Savage Roar, Shred, Rake, Moonfire, Shred, Rip
/use [combat] Berserk
/use [combat] Survival Instincts


/castsequence [combat] Ashamane’s Frenzy(Artifact), Tiger’s Fury

any idea how i can make the regrowth proc work??

Refer to original macro. Replace Healing Touch with Regrowth.

hey all back with another situation. so I have been 874 for a little while now. i haven’t capped out my Artifact weapon at all by what i mean is i’m only 22 Ranks Purchased into my daggers. With that being said even if I pop all my CDs on boss. I sit at 270K dps max… any reason why i can’t get any higher than that. or is feral really broken atm. I don’t know what to search for to extend my dps but i have ran with a few ferals that has less gear than i do and do bout 10-15K more dps than i do. Help if possible b much appreciated. thanks in advance… DRUIDS FOR LYF!

Jan, have you given Wannabe’s macro a try? I like what it can do on a target dummy but in a raid situation it has a give and take. I often pop out of cat form to cast Regrowth, but more times than not, the numbers look better.

The handcuffs with my macro is that you have no say as to what gets cast behind Regrowth. Ideally every time Regrowth procs and cast, you would cast a 5point Rip followed by a Rake. Give Wannabe’s a try and let me know what you think about it in a raid usage. (just take Ashmane’s Frenzy out of the /castsequence and put it alone like in my macro)

[quote quote=37540]Refer to original macro. Replace Healing Touch with Regrowth.

This is what i already tried so many times.
To make sure i do it right here is how i do it. Maybe you can see the problem then.

This is what i put in after the /castsequence:

[[/console autounshift 0
/cast [@player, combat] Healing Touch
/console autounshift 1]]

So basically this is how you see it in text in the field of sequences:

/castsequence reset=combat Rake, Moonfire, Shred, Savage Roar, Shred, Rake, Moonfire, Shred, Rip
/use [combat] Berserk
/use [combat] Survival Instincts
[[/console autounshift 0
/cast [@player, combat] Healing Touch
/console autounshift 1]]

But with this it doesnt work.
I even tried it like this:

/castsequence reset=combat Rake, Moonfire, Shred, Savage Roar, Shred, Rake, Moonfire, Shred, Rip
/use [combat] Berserk
/use [combat] Survival Instincts
/console autounshift 0
/cast [@player, combat] Healing Touch
/console autounshift 1

Still doesnt work.

Does the macro uses regroth autmoatically when it procs? I dont need to use another button instead of the macro yes?

Replace Healing Touch with Regrowth.

Replacing Healing Touch with Regrowth doesnt work.

I mean i know i need to change it, i wrote it bad here but this doesnt work for me:

/console autounshift 0
/cast [@player, combat] Regrowth
/console autounshift 1

Have you tried…

/console autounshift 0
/cast [combat] Regrowth
/console autounshift 1

What I did is,
I put Regrowth on a separate key next to my macro key,
When Regrowth procs (flashes) I just hit the Regrowth key and then carry on with the macro key.
Works very well for me.

PS. I took the Regrowth line out of the macro all together.

Regards Dave.