GS-E Ver 1.3 Feral PVE

SO… I have to say that I love this macro. I changed a few things up myself. I left the first castsequence macro in the body to just Shred, Rake, Moonfire, Shred, Shred and I put Rip and FB on separate buttons so I can manage my finishers better and I also take Soul of the Forest talent. This makes it a SUPER FAST rotation and I will be using this in PvP.


Be sure to change Healing Touch to Regrowth!

Tried to import and comes up with error, no help information available

great macroi was doing about 175 to 195k dps with live macro and also with the spitz macro yours im easily staying between 210 to 225 k dps tyvm

Yes i agree with rixus. now that feral has a 8% inc dmg across the board. you can feel the difference in playstyle and not struggling with dmg output as for 7.1 with that being said i find aaralak’s macro more dps oriented than spitz. i don’t know why it’s almost smilar macro’s except the changes from incarnation to savage roar. with that being said I use aaralak and copy and pasted as is and changed Healing Touch to Regrowth still it’s not rotating with the macro

This is what i have :
/console autounshift 0
/cast [@player,combat] [Regrowth]
/console autounshift 1