Here is my Disc priest macro’s - None of these is tested in raids atm
Use as u like…
Talents —
Macro 1 - To use on a ally.
This will shield/heal the ally - and attack the ally’s target.
[color color=violet]Use this macro on your ally, in a grp or raid…and it will heal him and do dmg to[/color] He’s [color color=violet]target. If he however, dont have a target, it will only heal him.[/color]
Sequences['Disc-THeal'] = {
specID = 256,
author = "Zole",
helpTxt = "Heal Target - Talent: 2113121",
icon = "Ability_Priest_Atonement",
PreMacro = [[
'/cast [nochanneling] Power Word: Shield',
'/castsequence [nochanneling] Plea,Shadow Mend,Shadow Mend',
'/castsequence [target=targettarget] [nochanneling] reset=/target Purge the Wicked,Smite,Smite,Smite,Smite,Smite',
'/cast [target=targettarget] Penance',
'/cast [combat][nochanneling] Mindbender',
'/cast [target=targettarget] [nochanneling] Divine Star',
PostMacro = [[
Macro 2 - To use on a ally for AoE healing.
This will shield/heal the ally + 2 ally’s near him - and attack the ally’s target.
[color color=violet]Use this macro on your ally, in a grp or raid…and it will heal him + 2 others near him, and do dmg to[/color] He’s [color color=violet]target. If he however, dont have a target, it will only heal him, and whats near him.[/color]
Sequences['Disc-THealAoe'] = {
specID = 256,
author = "Zole",
helpTxt = "AoE Heal Target - Talent: 2113121",
icon = "Ability_Mage_FireStarter",
PreMacro = [[
'/cast [nochanneling] Power Word: Shield',
'/castsequence reset=/target [nochanneling] Power Word: Radiance,Plea',
'/castsequence [target=targettarget] [nochanneling] reset=/target Purge the Wicked,Smite,Smite,Smite,Smite,Smite',
'/cast [target=targettarget] Penance',
'/cast [combat][nochanneling] Mindbender',
'/cast [target=targettarget] [nochanneling] Divine Star',
PostMacro = [[
Macro 3 - To use on a enemy…For solo play, leveling or use in raid, and it should heal/shield the Tank or the boss/mobs target.
Single target attack + Shielding Target’s target
[color color=violet]Use this macro on mobs/boss and it will heal whatever the mobs/boss targets.[/color]
Sequences['Disc-TDPS'] = {
specID = 256,
author = "Zole",
helpTxt = "Dps Target - Talent: 2113121",
icon = "Ability_Priest_Atonement",
PreMacro = [[
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
'/cast [nochanneling][@targettarget] Power Word: Shield',
'/castsequence [nochanneling] reset=/target Purge the Wicked,Smite,Smite,Smite,Smite,Smite',
'/cast Penance',
'/cast [combat][nochanneling] Mindbender',
'/cast [nochanneling] Divine Star',
PostMacro = [[