gs Warlock 6.2.3 destruction

here is a macro i am using in pvp dps ranging from 80k to 250k
have fun see if you can improve on

talents 2,2,2,1,3,1,1

glyphs dark soul, healthstone, conflagrate

Sequences['Destrupvp'] = {
PreMacro = [[
#showtooltip Immolate
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
/cast [combat] Dark Soul: Instability
	   '/castsequence reset=5 Conflagrate,Havoc,Chaos Bolt',
	   '/castsequence reset=5 Conflagrate,Incinerate,Chaos Bolt',
       "/cast Shadowburn",
       '/castsequence reset=target Incinerate,Chaos Bolt',
       "/cast Shadowburn",
	   '/cast Incinerate',
	   '/cast [nochanneling] Chaos Bolt',
	   '/cast Mortal Coil',
       '/cast Conflagrate',
	   '/cast Fear',
       '/cast [nochanneling] Chaos Bolt',
       "/cast Shadowburn",
PostMacro = [[
/use 13
/use 14
/use healthstone
/cast Sacrificial Pact
/cast Blood Fury
/petattack [@target,harm]

here is a small video of macro in action

Warlock pvp fun

There is something wrong, i get dc as soon as i use it and isn`t this for horde use??

Well as OP not said anything i got it working myself, IF you have same issue just go in to the macro and delete : /use healthstone

i dont know how to add the spell to make those so for now i have it on mouse button to make and use