GSE Cycling but not casting

isniss i do the same thing. i found something that works. goto your /macros and goto your specific macros.

find your macro for your 1 key and it should say something like this. this is from mt bm hunter

/click [button:2] BMSOLO RightButton; [button:3] BMSOLO MiddleButton; [button:4] BMSOLO Button4; [button:5] BMSOLO Button5; BMSOLO

all i did was change that button:2 to a 1 and it worked just frine for me. i dont know if all macros are like that. but thats what mine did and how i fixed mine


You are a freaking genius mate! TYVM! WORKS PERFECTLY!

Are you talking in GSE or in Blizzards macros?

That worked thanks.

Just wanted to add here that I use a controller and was having a similar problem. opening the macro in the /macro window and changing [button:2] to [nobutton:1] made the macro start working.

worked like a charm for me. thank you!!!

unfortunately, this workaround didn’t work for me. still have the cycling without casting. but, now even teh right mouse button won’t cast.

Same, I tried the workaround, and nada. It is still cycling the spells, but not casting them.

there is no point in trying to modify the macros. it is a problem of the addon. they will fix it

I think you need to do some reset inside the addon “GSE UI” … this what I did and it worked for me … give it a try

type /gse and press enter … once the GSE UI opened press on “Options” and go to “Macro Reset” from the left side panel, 3rd one … then press on “Clear Keybindings” on the top page … then press on “Update Macro Stubs” the last button on the same page … and finally press on “Close” and “Close” again and try to fire your gse macro and enjoy :slight_smile:


Yep, this worked (the change Button 2 to 1). Also there is a reply from Tim and others on the GitHub page. Seems this is a Blizzard bug that was fixed in Beta but not carried over. But this work around is easy to apply so problem solved for now!


This! This worked perfectly for me! Thank you!

Had the same issue, make sure after you change the stub macro you hit save. The first time I tried it, it didn’t work because I didn’t save the stub after I changed it.

It worked for me, but i can’t use modificators on the main wow macro or it stops working again.

/click [nomod] GSE macro
/cast [mod:alt] Spell 1
/cast [mod:shift] Spell 2

I think you might want to bind them again … while in game press “Esc” … “Options” … “Game” tab from the top left corner … Under “GamePlay” you should see “Keybindings” … from there you can assign the keys again …

There is a new update and TymothyLuke said
NTOE: macro stubs need to be deleter and “Create Icon” again

which I took to mean
NOTE: macro stubs need to be deleted and “Create Icon” again

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Yes seems like there is something going on with how it makes the macro in the /click command.

Just moving the [button:2] to [button:1] fixed everything.

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Same here, I can confirm modifying the macro manually on the Macro tab works.

yeah cant seem to find the right solution yet ! ;( for any of these new ones !

Thanks, this worked for me…