GSE Fistweaving with Healing 7.2.5

yes i did :slight_smile:

[quote quote=51190]@Matthew Brewer I use it in all places with another mouseover macro for target healing
What’s your mouseover macro?

@Matthew Brewer The new macro has mouseover healing via the Alt button but I use this in conjunction with this mouse over:

/castsequence [@mouseover] reset=5 Effuse, Sheilun’s Gift

@Sneakybastid so it worked better than Chi-ji? How did you find the damage?

[quote quote=52412]@Sneakybastid so it worked better than Chi-ji? How did you find the damage?

Refreshing Jade Wind is better with many adds around you, Chi-Ji is better for pure healing. They should be alternated depending on the fight i suppose.
The damage done was pretty good considering its a healer lol


Follow up:
I’m sitting at around ilvl 900 and use my MW spec as third spec to dabble in when bored. (main spec BM, Secondary WW) I can’t say my DPS, as I fill the roll as part time healers (using a separate MW macro to heal others) and part time DPS. But when I solo quest and WQ, I do pretty good with some fast self heals as needed.

No lock up issues, and no mana problems. 10/10. would recommend for a good time!

Note: I use Meatball as body guard and he makes most things meat before I’m done bashing on them.


I tested your macro fistweaving heals, it works very well and but it did not put me top heals output in raiding. I used John Q’s macro (MW PVE and PVP Macros) the one made me near top of heals output in raiding most of time.

My monk gear 920ilvl with 2 legendaries trinket and boot.

So, any other suggestions as far as Weak auras and such go, that pertains to this? :slight_smile:

I really like the playstyle it offers, but the numbers are (currently) a little on the low end. That might be because of my gear being crap, but it’d nice to know how I can get the most out of the spec and macro =)


Howdy I tried test again with your macro, I ran heroic antrous raiding with my guild and I ended up OOM super fast mana gone while I used Blackout (have Spirit of the Crane) for the mana regen took awhile to restore my mana pool.

Painful, any suggest?

I am also using your MistFist macro and so far I thouroughly enjoy it. Having only Chen as company I still do reasonaqble damage, but Im not sure regarding healing. I havent died yet - so must be doing something right :slight_smile: But all in all a nice fast macro.