GSE TBC prepatch

GSE not working.

  1. where do we report it.
  2. is someone working on it?

Mine is working fine… DL the correct files.

advise more please.

i dont not understand. i am noob at all this. help asap

i delted and installed the classic GSE again. It does not help.

correct DL = down load?

Under Recent files are the BC Classic versions

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super. thank you. it worked.

@Ali_Asghar GSE is its own entity. It may be used by WLM but its not WLM’s mod.

GSE lives at GitHub - TimothyLuke/GSE-Advanced-Macro-Compiler: GSE is an alternative advanced macro editor and engine for World of Warcraft. It uses Travis for UnitTests, Coveralls to report on test coverage and the Curse packager to build and publish GSE. This is where all bug reports or problems with GSE go to.

It is packaged and distributed via Curseforge for convenience and that is located at

I maintain GSE and keep it up to date. I watch GitHub anb that tracks everything I am doing with GSE but generally poke my head in here maybe once or twice a fortnight.