GSE2 and 7.1.5

after the update to 2.0 in curse client it works perfectly just as it did befor, will take some time to get used to the new interface but since i only play demo/destro it should not be a problem =)

Hi. Installed latest verison and found all my old macros, only problem none of them work. The Sam macros work fine, any ideas? Great work btw

do a /gs cleanorphans it will clean out all of the old macros that is not working with the 2.0 version.
and just import the once u use again =)

I have the newest Hp Addon and the Unholy Death Knight macro still shows the old macro build and not the 7.1.5 build that EniQX has uploaded here and I also cant seem to copy and paste it from this site and import it into the addon. Any help would be appreciated.

when i import nothing shows up i have show all macros checked and the name still doesnt show

Will the “show all macros” load the macros from the MyMacro folder? Or are those just not usuable anymore?

when i will import i cant see anymore

TL any recommendations on the import problem it finally showed after i closed game and reopened /rl or anything else didnt work.

If you have an old macro that you can see that doesn’t work, edit it and change the Specialisation and save it.

Anything in MyMacros that hasn’t imported will need to be imported manually.

Pre and PostMacro in GSE 2 do different things. They are actual pre and post macro actions. KeyPress and KeyRelease do the things that Pre and Post used to do.

Pre macro actions are executed as a one off and then not executed again until the macro is reset by target (if selected in the macro config) or leaving combat (if either selected as a global option or on the individual macro.). Post macro won’t execute unless thee is a loop limit set and these are a one off as well before the macro goes back to PreMacro.

So it’s better to start over than try and import my old macros from the My Macros folder?

I know it’s a pretty noob question but I’m pretty noob at this and had it working how I wanted before the patch broke everything :slight_smile:

so the macro i imported was in GSE2 version and also if i try to import a GSE1 macro i just need to change the radio button at the top of the import screen

Hi, great work so far on the update, love the new UI thingy… but my prot warrior wont cast revenge no matter how i add it… /cast or /castsequence


Yea trying to figure this out has me completely dumbfounded and more confused then ever. I appreciate everyone trying to help but as I read this I see numerous different ways to solve this issue but as of right now none do squat for me. Most likely the computer language is way over my head. I will just hope Tim comes out with a version thats as simple to make work as all the last ones. Have a nice day


and now i’ve reloaded the game, I cant get macro’s onto my toolbar… lol…

thanks for all the efforts! :slight_smile:

I’m having the opposite issues, I can get my old macros working just fine but I cannot get a new macro to actually do anything except the keypress then I have to manually attack before the sequences start to kick in.

Edit: found the issue, you cannot have the [combat] in the sequences anymore or it will never show you in combat and not run the macro.

@Darko - Did you select the macro and choose Create Icon?

@Chris - Not sure whats happening there. Can you send me a macro that this is happening with?

has a lot of the changes. The one thats not talked about is when the import doesnt behave correctly.

@Tim, seems you cannot start the macro with a [combat] flag in the sequences or it never activates cause well you’re not in combat. FYI this was on a macro newly created on 2.0 not on an imported macro. I suppose on the first line if you left it out you could have it on all other lines.

That makes sense. what if you add/startattack to KeyRelease? I generally only put [combat] on cool downs as a safeguard.

OK I am getting some of them to work but I cannot remove the default setting of making all my trinks and proc items from going off.

i cant get the import function to work NOOOOOOOO! lol