Guardian (Bear Tank) – 5.0.4

Thanks to Titus Marshall for providing a temporary macro for this patch. Hope you guys like it and if you can improve it please post it and let us know.

Don’t forget the modifier “Alt” if would like to refresh the Fairie Fire (Feral), but it last for a while, mainly did it in case of long fights or miss.

/castsequence reset=1/alt Faerie Fire,null
/castsequence reset=3 Lacerate,Maul,Swipe,Thrash
/cast Mangle
/cast Savage Defense
/cast Enrage
/cast Berserk
/cast Incarnation: Son of Ursoc
/cast Wild Charge
/use 13
/use 14

[quote quote=3247]Thanks to Titus Marshall for providing a temporary macro for this patch. Hope you guys like it and if you can improve it please post it and let us know.
Attention! Don’t forget the modifier “Alt” if would like to refresh the Fairie Fire (Feral), but it last for a while, mainly did it in case of long fights or miss.

/castsequence reset=1/alt Faerie Fire,null
/castsequence reset=3 Lacerate,Maul,Swipe,Thrash
/cast Mangle
/cast Savage Defense
/cast Enrage
/cast Berserk
/cast Incarnation: Son of Ursoc
/cast Wild Charge
/use 13
/use 14

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[/quote]Dont know if ppl still “playing” with talents… was trying this macro… and… :((

So i changed two talents to Incarnation and Mighty Bash… damn now its working fine… great job there :wink:

been trying to figure out how to roll in savage defense with frenzied regen and ive also been thikning that maul really isnt neccissary like in ragnaros replacing savage defense with frenzied regen and not using maul would alot with survivability cuase you cant avoid the stacks

also noticed itf you apply faerie fire regulary not only for the debuff of damage that the enemey does but also for a 25% increase chance of reseting mangle

For The fights that you wont be able to dodge damage i modified macro to solve the issue

/castsequence reset=1/alt Faerie Fire,null
/castsequence Lacerate,Swipe,thrash,Faerie Fire
/cast mangle
/cast Frenzied Regeneration
/cast war stomp
/use 13
/use 14


/castsequence reset=1/alt Feenfeuer,null
/castsequence reset=3 Aufschlitzen,Zermalmen,Prankenhieb,Hauen
/cast Zerfleischen
/cast Wilde Verteidigung
/cast Wutanfall
/cast Berserker
/cast Inkarnation: Sohn von Ursoc
/cast Wilde Attacke
/use 13
/use 14

Why not in macro “Barkskin” ? Guardian druid no need ?

i like to keep some cds available for when i need to pop them at certain times like soaking hour of twilight or immpale


Here is what I have been using on my guardian. I am aware that swipe doesnt have the same threat generation as before but that only due to the dmg loss. To counter that blizz made thrash increase swipe base dmg to compensate. Also i have bark skin and FF out of it so it can be applied when needed instead of all at once. savage sefence and survival instincts will be leap frogging to keep you touch while the extra u get from barkskin will be for emergencies. As for maul i think its a worthless spell now when u can get the same benefit from swipe when used after thrash and cost no rage so you can keep savage defence up on cooldown


/castsequence reset=target Thrash,Lacerate,Mangle,Swipe,Lacerate,Swipe

/cast !Savage Defence

/cast !Enrage

/cast !Survival Instincts

/cast !Incarnation: Son of Ursoc

/cast !Wild Charge(this works in the macro but i have opted to keep it out so its not used when not necessary)

You can add

/cast !Frenzied Regeneration

but i find its a bother on the 1.5 sec cooldown and tends to use all your rage when it is better other places. so i keep it with my potions for a last ditch effort when a healer goes down.

could someone please post there talents to get his to work. I have tried many different setups but i show the macro icon as a ‘?’ after a bit.

For trash I use this macro:

/castsequence reset=combat swipe,thrash,swipe

/cast mangle

/cast savage defense

/cast barkskin

/cast wild charge

/cast berserk

/cast enrage

For Bosses or 2 or less mobs I swap the first castsequence above for

/castsequence reset=combat lacerate,faerie fire,lacerate,thrash


Best Part of this macro is that mangle procs fire off in between the castsequence and fairie fire is part of the rotation to proc mangle instead of just once per target.





I used the version in quotes above from Luis - It worked really well. I multibox so I wasn’t necessarily looking for dps - but the rotation worked and seemed to keep aggro. I did add barskin to a different macro. Not sure how effective it is, but doesn’t hurt. Running the Theramore scenario and didn’t seem to have any issues with anything including getting bombed by the tank machine in stage 4…

added prowl for off fights/lurking. added barkskin in a manner so that your prowl will work. changed order of castsequence to grab agro of all mobs faster. added bear hug just because its funny (does not work on bosses obviously) Removed incarnation for those of us who don’t have it. Other than that it’s Luis’ macro.

cheers, John

/castsequence reset=1/alt Faerie Fire,null
/castsequence reset=3 Thrash,Swipe,Maul,Lacerate
/cast Mangle
/cast Savage Defense
/cast Enrage
/cast Berserk
/cast Wild Charge
/cast Bear Hug
/cast [combat]Barkskin
/cast [nocombat]Prowl

Correcting a few things in my previous post. After further review, I don’t want berserk or enrage to go off when i am out of combat. I have a separate macro for wild charge, and I am glyphed for barkskin.

Cheers, John. Character is Bainre on Farstriders for reference.

/castsequence reset=1/alt Faerie Fire,null
/castsequence reset=3 Thrash,Swipe,Maul,Lacerate
/cast Mangle
/cast Savage Defense
/cast [combat]Enrage
/cast [combat]Berserk
/cast Bear Hug
/cast [combat]Barkskin
/cast [nocombat]Prowl

John is your Maul glyphed? Was just wondering why Maul is there because it’s mainly a rage dump and with Savage Defense using 60 rage every 9 secs I am rage starved as it is.


I have been trying to incorporate Mass Entanglement (talent), Incarnation (talent) and Might of Ursoc but it seems to me there are too many abilities to put them all into one macro and some don’t activate when they are off CD as they should. Maybe 2 castsequences would be the go for the longer CD abilities. Something to work on I guess.

My Lazy macro without SDM

/castsequence [mod]Faerie Fire;reset=3 Lacerate,Swipe,Thrash,Mangle
/cast Mangle
/castsequence reset=10 Savage Defense,Frenzied Regeneration

with SuperDuperMacro addon add following:

/cast Mighty Bash
/cast Barkskin
/cast Enrage

Button Config
1 Macro
2 Lacerate
3 Thrash
4 Bear hug

F1 Faerie Fire
F2 Growl
F3 Mighty Bash
F4 Maul
F5 Berserk
F6 Incarnation Son of Ursoc
F7 Stampeding Roar
F8 Savage Defense

E Prowl
F Wild Charge
T Trinket
G Dash / Bash

/castsequence reset=1/alt Faerie Fire,null

/castsequence reset=3 Lacerate,Maul,Swipe,Thrash
/cast Mangle
/cast Savage Defense
/cast Enrage
/cast Berserk
/cast Incarnation: Son of Ursoc
/cast Wild Charge
/use 13
/use 14

Great macro! works like a champ only 1 question is there a way to set FF on rotation without causing the macro to bog? Cuz i know the main aspect of FF is 5 mins the secondary is extremely useful for generating and maintaining agro from those pesky critoholics out there.


to answer irenko Why not in macro “Barkskin” ? Guardian druid no need ?

most of us have it with this macro for those times that life gets us down (Health that is)

/castsequence !Barkskin
/cast Renewal


This is a 1-2 punch for the defensive oh dear im dieing moments

macro has started locking up cant get it to work at all it worked fine for a month and then just stoped.


/castsequence reset=1/alt Faerie Fire,null
/castsequence reset=6 Mangle,Lacerate,Lacerate,Lacerate,
/castsequence Maul,Swipe,Thrash
/cast savage defense
/cast war stomp
/use 13
/use 14

Can take out war stomp and replace with your given racial ability if you choose to