OK wow, its been like over 12 months since I last looked at my Havok DH,
And is what I’m toying with at the moment while there is a lull before BFA
I had it up on discord for a while hope some would test it out before I put it here but ill put it here now and see how it goes
Its pretty easy to use just let it rip, when meta is active or anytime you want to burn fury, just hold Alt and it will spam Chaos strike/annihilate.
Tapping shift will fire nemesis, holding shift for a fraction will activate Metamorphosis.
I tried your macros and they both work, but I can tell they aren’t for your main. DPS isn’t optimal and I am getting some confusing numbers. On the dungeon dummy, I’m pulling about 258 sustained with the occasional dip and spike. ON the 110 dummy, I’m pulling 265 with a slow decline which I stopped when it hit 221. I kept the VR on cooldown and used it whenever it came up. I didn’t seem to run out of resources though.
Lvl 110, iLevel 858, Ranks purchased 25,
Despite the numbers, this is not my preferred spec. I usually tank with my DH so I really cann’t help you with this macro other than what I’ve provided.
Thanks all the same though, I’m Torn now to talent out of Momentum and see is I can get a talent combo that improves the fluidity and fury management of the rotation one I get that established i can zero in in getting more DPS out of it.
Another focus is someone who can test it give feedback in the sense of I need more of this attack or less of that, or this should be added etc or this ability is not firing often enough etc.
great macro john i spammed the builder macro for maybe 2 mins ended up with 378 to 399k dps on quite a few pirate adds in azsuna im ilvl 848 then i used monmentummacro and it only dropped briefly to 295k then jumped back to over 325k so thats good enough for me lol great work