Havoc PVE 7.3.2 2213311 or 2223311

Why when I’m looking at my logs I seem to do less Annihilations than other DH’s?
This causes me to tank in dps behind them>

Currently I’m at:

Crit: 44%
Mastery: 27%

ilvl 916

Hmmm your crit seems low but other than that, I’m not sure. Are you using the most recent version with Eye Beam removed?

Yes I do…and it’s now the best DPS macro for me…I’m updating my warcraftlogs when It’s done I will post.

I usually burst between 1.8 and in some cases 2.2 Mio but drop around 800k-900K depending on the fight.

Which causes me to get kicked from fights like Avatar HC where ppl demand 1Mio dps.

When I go and watch the logs of other DH’s in the raid I see they sometimes do 40% more annihilations than I am…

For people to expect you to put out a mil dps sustained on a single target fight with a alot of movement is nuts… Your dps is right in line with your gear on that fight.

OMG!! Great macro!! My DPS has increased a lot off. But… One question: If I want a macro only for WQ and map, without cooldowns however with a good DPS?

PS: Sorry for my bad english ???

Hmmm haven’t made one without cool downs because they’re usually back up in time for whatever I’m fighting next. Removing the main cool down abilities would greatly nerf your DPS but you could just go into the macro and remove whatever abilities you don’t want in it.

[quote quote=50931]Yes I do…and it’s now the best DPS macro for me…I’m updating my warcraftlogs when It’s done I will post.
I usually burst between 1.8 and in some cases 2.2 Mio but drop around 800k-900K depending on the fight.
Which causes me to get kicked from fights like Avatar HC where ppl demand 1Mio dps.
When I go and watch the logs of other DH’s in the raid I see they sometimes do 40% more annihilations than I am…
[/quote] If your raiding with people that kick u for not holding 1 million find another less anal guild our d/hs don’t hold 1 million on movement fights it’s impossible


Many thanks for this macro dude, works like a dream. Just a quick endorsement video to show what the macro is capable of on a ilvl 908 Demon Hunter.

I wasnt able to screen cap it but on packs of trash mobs its pulled a little over 5 million DPS, dropped on boss though obviously :slight_smile:

You’re welcome. I’m glad I could help. I just wish DHs dps didn’t tank so badly on long fights. I open at 2+mil and eventually settle around 850k on single target boss fights. BTW Very nice ui setup.

Why is Vengeful Retreat in the macro?

[quote quote=51093]Why is Vengeful Retreat in the macro?

There are two macros. One with VR and Fel Rush and one with out. Some people want an all inclusive macro. If you’re quick with the space bar, the one with them can yield slightly higher dps.

What speed is recommended for keyboard that can auto repeat?

I’m running the no vrt no fuel rush version of this and raiding heroic tos and have been using this macro, I’m at 922 ilvl with 58 traits
Crit 49.94
Haste 13.62
Mast 24.58
Versatility 6.7

Hold 140 fury

and am able to do good dps up until about 80 seconds and then I’m in the 600k section. I’m running 2223311 have sephuzs secret and the legendary bracers on. 915 infernal cinders and vial of ceaseless toxins as well.
What changes can I make in this to keep my dps around the 900k range for a longer period of time?
Any input would be appreciated

Kevin low dps macro

[quote quote=51953]Kevin low dps macro

I beg to differ and so do my parses.

[quote quote=51946]I’m running the no vrt no fuel rush version of this and raiding heroic tos and have been using this macro, I’m at 922 ilvl with 58 traits Crit 49.94 Haste 13.62 Mast 24.58 Versatility 6.7
Hold 140 fury
and am able to do good dps up until about 80 seconds and then I’m in the 600k section. I’m running 2223311 have sephuzs secret and the legendary bracers on. 915 infernal cinders and vial of ceaseless toxins as well. What changes can I make in this to keep my dps around the 900k range for a longer period of time? Any input would be appreciated

hmm it’s really odd your dps is bottoming out like that. My DH with much lower ilvl is doing 800k sustained after a 2.4mil burst on opener. Which macro are you using, the one with or without VR and FR? If using the one with them, I’d try using the macro with out them. Also are you manually hitting a key to use the macro or some sort of program to automatically spam it?

Using the one without vr fr and using auto hot key,

[quote quote=51981]Using the one without vr fr and using auto hot key,

You may have AHK hitting it too fast trying adjusting the speed that the macro is fired at.

any recommendations on how many milli seconds to set ahk?

[quote quote=51993]any recommendations on how many milli seconds to set ahk?

I don’t use AHK. I manually hit the button. Maybe someone else can recommend.