Hey can u make a macro for the 3321123 demonic m+ build too?
I really like the macro, it works quite well for me and it increased my dps by alot. had to take some stuff out of the macro. And for the people that wanted to know how much of a delay I use, I use 0,150 delay in synapse it’s the sweet spot for me.
Thanks again
(Updated 12/02/2017) No Changes Made
I wrote something similar and it destroys other DH. I out DPS folks 15-30 ilvl higher and I’m just holding down a single key most of the time, lol… GSE is perfect for DH just because of demon blades talent. You’re already auto-attacking a lot and so a good portion of the fight you’re not waiting on GCD, you are executing the very next thing that you have fury for or comes off CD. I think this alone makes GSE truly viable for max DH dps (but maybe nothing else?)
I think a priority instead of sequential is better though. Slightly more likely to do the correct thing if two things are off CD or you have enough fury. The total time through all skills is higher though, so if you have 5 skills sequential goes thru loop in 5 “presses” but priority 1+2+3+4+5 “presses”. So I always hand cast fel-rush/vr and longer CDs (nem/chaosblades/etc). Anyway, DH is pretty forgiving on order so even this is just a minor tweak…
If you wrote something similar that is good, why not post it?
Asking me to talk about things is a mistake, wall of text incoming!!!
Not on my gaming machine but it’s simple, from memory, just this in “Priority (1 12 123 1234)” mode
/cast [nochanneling] Fel Barrage
/cast [nochanneling] Fury of the Illidari
/cast [nochanneling] Blade Dance
/cast [nochanneling] Felblade
/cast [nochanneling] Chaos Strike
I manually cast Fel Rush and VR which can’t be really macroed IMO. I also manually cast Eye Beam and Throw Glaive. Eye Beam because it shouldn’t be on single target and Throw Glaive because I mainly play PvP where that skill has a specific use and not really tied to rotation.
This is based on a 1/2, 2/2, 3/2, 4/X, 5/3, 6/*, 7/2 build and wowhead (and simucraft) rotation. The build uses bloodlet which means Blade Dance is a priority in even single target, I chose this because it simplifies the rotation as it’s the same single or aoe. Fel Barrage I chose so it’s one less long cooldown I have to decide when to use (have Nem/Meta/Eyebeam). So oddly I am choosing a build on what is easiest to maximize in a GSE rotation! I think this will make it so that GSE approaches perfect manual played more often. Priority is also doing that, it basically tries to cast the priority spells more often (like Fel Barrage and Fury of Illidari) instead of spamming something less dmg or god forbid waste Fury (like if you go bloodlet and have the fury Blade Dance > Chaos Strike).
I would put in Throw Glaive but I don’t want to add even more time to how long it takes to cycle thru this. I use a macro on my mouse so I can spam button with this at 50ms down and 50ms up. So it takes a while to get through the entire rotation in Priority mode 100ms*(1+2+3+4+5)=1.4s. Since we gotta go Demon Blades this sort of thing is forgiving where it isn’t usually. The theoretical problem is that you might overcap fury waiting on Chaos Strike to be cast. I rarely ever see this happen though, my subjective opinion though, of course.
I am going to try something new tonight though. I honestly didn’t realize that especially at 900 ilvl and higher Demonic build outperforms in Patchwerk by so much (>5%). On simucraft this is listed as their top DH build…
15: Blind Fury (Havoc Demon Hunter)30: Demonic Appetite (Havoc Demon Hunter)45: Chaos Cleave (Havoc Demon Hunter)75: Nemesis (Havoc Demon Hunter)90: Demon Reborn (Havoc Demon Hunter)100: Demonic (Havoc Demon Hunter)
Alright 30, as I’ve already ranted about, has to be Demon Blades because any GSE rotation is going to miss GCDs using Demon’s Bite. Chaos Cleave is interesting as well because it effectively removes Blade Dance from being cast ever (except on 6+, meh).
So I think a Demonic build just use a priority rotation like this:
/cast [nochanneling] Fury of the Illidari
/cast [nochanneling] Eye Beam
/cast [nochanneling] Chaos Strike
would maybe do everything you need. Wow that is simple and the rotation is passed through on priority at .6s (on 50ms up/down presses). Or throw in Throw Glaive as well for 1s… Simucraft doesn’t even use Throw Glaive but it’s because Demon’s Bite is a better GCD filler so I’m assuming TG>autoattack… Then just manually Fel Rush / VR, Nemesis, and Metamorphosis. EZPZ…
That’s all fine and dandy but how’s it perform in game. I’ve tried numerous version in priority and not and this is the highest DPS yield out of all of them. Don’t get me wrong if you can build it better and prove it I’d be the first to try it but as for now with the builds I use this is the way to go.
Dude, for all my talk, you’re right. Priority is not as good. I tested for over an hour with shit last night. My theoretical programmer side got away with me.
There is a crossover in the # of spells/skills you have in a sequence where priority is better but it seems like it has to be like 3 or something. The problem jumps out if you look at the recount breakdown of skills, with priority you get notably more auto-attacks. Sure, it is going to do the “correct” skill next but you might be waiting up to 1s for it to happen and you’d be better off casting SOMETHING than nothing at all. Anyway, that’s my explanation at least.
I tested on dummies for a long time and went with a different spec though. It’s the one in the class hall so you did get blade dance and throw glaive bouncing over to the other minion. That’s fine but just saying it isn’t truly single target.
Anyway, two things. First, I went fel barrage instead of chaos blades. The DPS was very similar but fel barrage much more consistent over time. That might just be my preference though. Second, I went bloodlet and master of the glaive and I swear am getting 5-10% higher DPS than first-blood (and I took blade dance out of rotation altogether).
Demonic build did not do well, at least in GSE rotation. The peak DPS was thru the roof but really drops off quick when you don’t have eyebeam up. I think that talent spec is probably best for manual play as you need to save eye beam for perfect opportunities (burst time or when there are a lot of mobs).
Woooooow very good macros! 1.4m dps (905 ilvl)
Thank you!!!
1.4 million on what test dummy or raid at 905 I don’t see you doing a constant 1.4 I’m 940 and I do that lets see logs
Its a class with a high variance of damage (thanks to stacking crit as main stat). On single target dummie i am doing one try 1.2 mio and the other try 1.5mio (both till 100mio damage). GS 936 T20 4pc, anger ring + shoulder legi. Its a great macro and a absolutely fun class, sad that i need to switch to range dd.
when u guys say talent setup 2223311 what are you referring too exactly? im still new to this macro business
See picture
Ty. I did think that might have been it. Changed my setup and getting mid 1.5 now on the test dummy which is better than the 600k I was getting.
Yeah buddy! Its kick ass macro!
Awesome glad it’s helped.
[quote quote=55888]Ty. I did think that might have been it. Changed my setup and getting mid 1.5 now on the test dummy which is better than the 600k I was getting.
Thank you for your kind words.
[quote quote=55889]Yeah buddy! Its kick ass macro!
I am a Chinese player。thank you for this marco。
I find a bug, this ‘Throw Glaive’ be translated as ‘投掷飞刀’,but DH skill is ‘投掷利刃’。
I fix it,It is up and running。sorry,my english is pool。
Glad you were able to find a fix for your language.
[quote quote=55951]I am a Chinese player。thank you for this marco。 I find a bug, this ‘Throw Glaive’ be translated as ‘投掷飞刀’,but DH skill is ‘投掷利刃’。 I fix it,It is up and running。sorry,my english is pool。
I use your macro with my T20 set (2220311). I think your macro is the best I used until know.
Can you update please for T21 set with 3330333 too? It would be a great help for the future
I don’t really play my DH anymore but do keep the macro updated. However as far as making new versions I’m not doing that right now.