Hello, here’s my Fire Mage macro. I’d like some help, please. My problem with this macro is that the “Scorch” spell is cast intermittently between some “Fireballs”. But what I would like my macro to do is the following: it only casts “Fireballs” and when I move, the macro should only cast “Scorch”. Can you help me with this? Thank you.
Sorry just now seeing this. I might be 1000% wrong here, but i don’t know that the macro can support movement or not independently as it is running in sequence. What i can say is that you need both in the macro to get your procs to work right. But that being said. I would make a mod key to support scorch alone so as you run you are just casting that and when you stop it goes back to the normal rotation or just put it on a different key with something like.
/cast scorch
something like that maybe so when you run it stops what ever you are trying to cast like phoenix flames and such and just cast scorch. hopefully that gets you closer.
The best way to solve the Scorch when moving and Fire ball when stationary problem is to create a loop that casts Fireball several times before attempting Scorch, increasing the probability that it will be the chosen cast.
Obviously, if you’re moving Fireball will not cast leaving scorch to be cast every time. If you are stationary, the probability of cast Fireball is much higher with the loop, but won’t wont be 100%.
You can curve this decision making by increasing the amount of times the Fireball loops. If you loop too high though, the macro spends to much time attempting Fireball, and will neglect your other cooldowns. I like a 10:1 Fireball to Scorch balance, seems to do the trick.
Also, to avoid burning though your Fire Blast charges all at once you can gatekeep the cast behind the hard Phoenix Flames cooldown, like this:
/castsequence [nochanneling] reset=combat Fire Blast, Phoenix Flames, Fire Blast
I put this part in it’s own loop for the same reason, to be able to adjust the probability that Fire Blast / Phoenix Flame will be selected.