Help with macro - WOW SOD

Hallo… trying to create my first macro with the help of chatgpt… but something isnt working :frowning:

Below is chatgpt answer on what i should copy paste into the macro… but my char is putting everything in /say.

Whats wrong with the macro ?

Sequences[‘HunterMacro’] = {
– PreMacro section
PreMacro = [[
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
/petattack [@target,harm]
/cast [nopet,nodead] Call Pet
/cast Hunter’s Mark

-- Main sequence
'/cast [combat] Flanking Strike',
'/cast [combat] Raptor Strike',
'/cast Wing Clip',

-- PostMacro section
PostMacro = [[


Because ChatGPT is giving you GSE1 stuff that is not compatible with GSE3. ChatGPT is not able to create anything that works with GSE3.

Thanks for your reply. Do you know where i can make the macro then ?

In game:
Type /gse
Hit “New”

That is the only place.