Holy pally macro

Much like my Ret/Prot this macro is not meant for everyone. This macro is a damage rotation, the only healing it does is holy shock through a modifier and its mouseover. This macro is a 4 button priority rotation keeping down consecration and hitting judgment/crusader strike on cool down. Use CTRL to generate the rest of the holy power in damage or healing. The rest of my healing abilities I use through vuhdo and CD’s are held out of the macro.

Modifiers are below. the holy shock works as a mouseover and if you have nothing under the mouse itll just hit whatever your target is.

/cast [mod:shift] Hammer of Wrath
/cast [target=mouseover,help] [mod:ctrl] Holy Shock; [help] Holy Shock; Holy Shock
/cast [mod:alt] Consecration




This picture you can see the macro is on H which is a keybind on my mouse, all my CDs are held separate outside of the macro which you can see on my S key. I keep my action bars 1-5 in case anything ever happens but havent needed to use them at all. the same mouseover macro in the lazymacro for holy shock is also on my 1 key and can be used outside of the rotation if I’m too far from an add to use the lazymacro.


Again this macro wont be for everyone and its just what i have for me, if it helps you im happy. if not youre more than welcome and take it/modify it to fit you.