Holy's Boomkin One Button (Updated Versions on Discord Only)


Updated 1/20/2025

I gladly welcome you with open arms to the Boomkin Community!

This macro was made to make Boomkin easy for those who find the eclipses confusing. As Boomkin is my main DPS and will forever be. I have done extensive testing on this macro, and you may see some of my accomplishments below. I do use this macro in all M+/PVE content I do. With that being said, there will be regular updates to this macro if/when needed. Boomkin is my most favorite class to play and will forever be. I plan to make Boomkin as easy as possible to play for those who want to learn it but get eclipse anxiety when trying to figure out the rotation. Hopefully, this will bring more Boomkins to the community.

Macro Accomplishments


This is a macro that requires consistent repudiative key pressing with the use of a keyboard button/keybind

How To Use: Version 1

Press the Macro for DPS & CDs put Rebirth on your own Action Bars, For everything els read Modifiers.


Shift: Starfall
Ctrl: Starsurge

How To Use: Version 2

Press the Macro for DPS & CDs put Rebirth on your own Action Bars For everything els read Modifiers, use the macro for single target and AOE in raids.

Shift: Starfire





All feedback is appreciated. If you have any questions, problems, or feedback, leave them in the comments below!



v1.0.0 Date: 11/23/2024
v1.0.1 Date: 11/1/2024
v1.0.2 Date 12/1/2024
v1.0.3 Date 1/1/2025


All feedback is appreciated. If you have any questions, problems, feedback, or need help leave them in the Discord Linked Below. Click here to join Holy’s Sanctuary I am extremely active on my Discord and always answer people as fast as I can!

Just started testing this macro, as always thank you for sharing your hard work, and i can’t seem to get it to cast Sunfire. Anyone else having this issue?

For me it puts up Moonfire, Celestial Alignment, Force of Nature and then alternates Starfire and Wrath for about 4 times and then just goes into a Starfire loop.

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same here, furthermore the CTRL Modifier is not working to me

@Gromsh @Wownerd Thank You for this information I’ll look into it and see what’s wrong, if you wanna join the discord I have a bunch of sections for reporting bugs and problems and I’m active 24/7 there.

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