Holy's-Fire-Mage (Updated Versions on Discord Only)


Updated 12/13/2024:

Credit: @Shinigamie for helping me create the initial version of this macro!


This is a macro that requires consistent repudiative key pressing with the use of a keyboard button/keybind

Holy’s-Fire-Mage Macro


How To Use:

Press the macro for single-target and aoe, Alt mod is for shifting power so it isn’t interrupted nor interrupts another cast, although nochanneling is used, Shift mod For Hot Streak procs if you have Fire Blast remaining - Not overly used.

Shift: Pyroblast, Fireblast
Alt: Shifting Power

All feedback is appreciated. If you have any questions, problems, or feedback, leave them in the discord below!

v1.0.0 Date: 12/13/2024

Holy’s Sanctuary Discord

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Just wanted to say thanks, gave this macro a try and it blasts compared to my old frost macro, this made my mage fun again. All I changed was removing meteor as I like it more to have those kind of spells on separate keybind. :slight_smile:


Glad to hear you like it bud!

no Talents listed >? and it also list Holy’s-Frost-Mage
Updated 12/13/2024 on the import >>>?

so is it frost or fire

Sorry lol I just copy and paste my old ones to use the same template and I normally replace the name and spells etc not many people really read the in game one anyways but I’ll fix that thanks for the info, but this is for fire and also the talents are in the macro go to the sequence and find the talents tab at the top the import code should be in there. Feel free to join my discord