Holy's Resto Druid v1.0.0 1/19/2025 TWW 11.0.7


Updated 1/19/2025


This is a macro that requires consistent repudiative key pressing with the use of a keyboard button/keybind

How To Use:

Press the Macro to do basic AOE heals & hots, Spam the shift mod when normal single target healing is required and when everyone’s going to die gently use the ctrl modifier to heal everyone quickly, all aspects of this macro use @ mouseover party frames or player doesn’t matter so you can play your way what ever makes you a better healer.


Macro Shift: Single Target Healing @ mouseove
Macro Ctrl: Burst AOE Heals! @ mouseover





All feedback is appreciated. If you have any questions, problems, feedback, or need help leave them in the Discord Linked Below. Click here to join Holy’s Sanctuary I am extremely active on my Discord and always answer people as fast as I can!


Why have mods in single? if this is healer, what is in the no mods mode?

Okay so it’s easy Shift is for Single Target Healing and Ctrl is for burst healing, what that means you just generally press the Macro default and when one person or two people go down you would use Shift to heal them up one at a time but if more people are taking a lot of damage very fast or you know there’s a cast a boss does that’s coming up with heavy AOE dmg you would use CTRL to do AOE Heals what that.

Default Macro at mouseover will place rejuvenation and lifebloom on the current target long with getting out/using your tress and it applies wild growth for extra AOE heals,

So what Shift does it puts every renewable hots on that person and after it would spam regrowth and swiftmend to single target heal them up.

And Ctrl does AOE Healing so if a good amount of AOE damage is being taken you use Ctrl and it starts out with convoke the spirits witch does all 12 heals that you have on every person, then It would do tranquility and that’s it you would then go back to using the default macro for small AOE heals.

What it looks like is, Spam default macro until you have 2 tress out everyone has wild growth and rejuvenation then you can just use Shift to single target heal light AOE damage that’s still coming or heavy Single Target damage and if huge AOE damage starts happening just spam Ctrl until Convoke the spirits fires off and tranquility is done after that go you would probly need to refresh your wild growth and tress along with other hots by just pressing the default macro a few times until it does so…

If rejuv and lifebloom is in default. And in shift also cast same but except for swiftmend. Redundant macro and swiftmend has 12 sec cd. Guardians and convoke rather not in aoe coz it going to waste. Because there is a time you really need them, than to be waste. And I use 1 tree only. But nice try. And also, I use convoke and nature swiftness in a same macro.