Hooligan's Feral DPS -- 10.2 12/22/23 Update

Works for leveling as well im having a blast with it, i just block out the spells i havent learnt.

I just wanted to say that both the ST and AOE macros work really well and good job. I did make a small change to the ST macro pulling a shred out of some of lines where they were back to back… for me, that made a difference…

I am using the wowhead mythic plus build and the raid ST build with these macros and it works really well. I was thinking about trying to combining the two macros together for mythic plus putting ST on a shift modifier… but i haven’t played with it yet - but again, wanted to just call you out and let you know how well it worked for me…. Thank you.

I don’t use modifiers in my macros because they don’t work for me - I’m limited in this capacity.

Everyone on the forums is too “on their high horse” to let me know or make a video tutorials how to get them to actually work with wow settings. I’ve tried unbinding macros in wow settings and add-ons nothing seems to work. I’ve posted about it even the guy who made the point program basically told me to kick rocks and figure it out myself.

Anyways I know I’m not the only one who can’t get modifiers to work. This is why I make the macros for all the classes I play. No modifiers because they don’t work for me. If they did I could make even better ones for sure. My hands are tied though.

Totally understand. What I’m going to do is just put the ST and AOE macros on different keys for now and see how it works and then i will mess with that later. I love my Druid and healing and guardian are pretty easy (i macro my guardian and play with a bunch of mouse over macros with resto - no GSE macros). I don’t like Boom very much, but thought “if i could just learn to play feral…”. This will allow me to do that and get a feel for some of the bleed timings… while i work on the algebra of the spec… i mained DH for season 2 and want to Druid for season 3… so i have a couple weeks in raid and mythic plus to see if i can make feral work.

But, to be clear, this is the best feral macro I’ve come across and can build on… So I’m super appreciative. I’ve tried on and off for a couple years and just couldn’t get it good enough…. I’ve had good luck with shift and alt modifiers in the past… i have never gotten control to work… With the way your macro works, it would be almost doubling up on the priority lines which might create a lot of overhead. DH has some spells that change names when in demonic that were hard to macro…

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Not too bad. Vortex Pinnacle 17 timed

your talents are out of date sadly :-(. could you repost updated ones?

i used wowheads builds


AOE i used the Feral Druid General Purpose Talent Build

So far as of 10/18/23 this is the macro that yields the most DPS in a feral druid hands down. OP you have done a great job. I’d like to see an updated talent tree from OP. Thanks again sir, you have something good here.

any update for 10.2 ?

I still use this one in 10.2, works well.
Only modification I’m gonna try is adding @focus for the regrowth to help the healer abit in m+ :slight_smile:

In the ST macro it never seems to make it to the Convoke block. not sure if i’m running it too fast or not. currently at 100ms.

Pardon the newbish question, but what are you guys using to set the ms, like your example 100ms? I’m just mashing the button (old school) about 4-5 times a second. Is there some addon I should investigate?

We do not talk about that here :slight_smile: But if you are clicking 4-5 times a second then that is perfect. My hand would cramp up during a raid if I had to do that though. Sheesh.

However - for @CzarTheMad 100 ms is too fast honestly 200ms is more than enough if your latency 150 then you’re fine doing a 200ms speed…

Just a quick question, does the macro fire Tiger’s Fury or do I need to do that manually with a separate key stroke? I only ask because it never seems to in my fight sequences. By the way, love the macro it really works very well, thank you for creating it.

I saw that it fired off the macro so please disregard my last question. Love the macro.

Is there a fix to making the macro work everytime? Anytime I log out, I have to go in and edit/save the macro because it won’t work immediately when I log in.

What do you do to get it to work again?
Mine works every time I log in - imported it on another PC fresh install, and it worked multiple times.
Please keep in mind the AE macro won’t really work for the ST build. Be mindful of what you’re using in each.

All I do is /gse, then “edit” then immediately “save” and it will start working again. I don’t make any changes when I do it, either.

Do you drag the macro from GSE without changing the name or macro icon? I had trouble with that myself.

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