How to handle transitioning from GSE2 to GSE3

It appears that GSE2 and GSE3 use the same add-on name and saved variable file names. Consequently, I can’t understand how to manage both GSE2 and GSE3 macros. Many of my macros are GSE2 and it will be some time (if ever) until they will be changed to GSE3.

Would it have been possible to change the add-on name to GSE3 and the variable file to GSE3 to allow the 2 add-ons to coexist?

I’m excited to try GSE3 BM Hunter macros, but I have GSE2 Shadow priest macros which are currently GSE2.

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When you install GSE3 it will convert all your GSE2 macros over and update them to 3. Same if you import a GSE2 macro it will convert at import to GSE3. It may need some minor adjustment as the stuff under the covers is as different Windows 10 is to MS-DOS


So why the change, is there some reading i can check out ?

There’s information all over these forums and on Discord…

Here are some articles that might interest you:


I had a problem with my GSE2 install that ended up not converting my existing macros.

With help from TimothyI got this sorted out so now am a happy camper with existing macros having been converted and new GSE3 macros replacing converted GSE2 as they become available.

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Thank you for this post Xan a little late to the switch so this saves me a bunch of time instead of reading everything!!!

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Quick question Xan, Is there an explanation of how /sequence, loop block works now or just a clarification. I see how my old macros ported over and they still work the same, so I am assuming /sequence still does the first, then the second, act and loop just repeats this block?
Thank you

@TimothyLuke – Does GCD functions working? Since i looked the editor and notice it has 2 different system functions ~GCD~ and ~HE~. I don’t see anything about system functions on your GitHub Wiki.

Do they works such as

/cast Mortal Strike ~~GCD~~ /cast WindWhirl ~~GCD~~

One more question, How do you create a IF THEN ELSE and I still not understand what your Wiki explain but i meant in Editor guide step to step. If you can screenshot and i can understand interpret to statement coding in GSE3. If it possible. let me know thanks

Hi Daveronline.

Here are good informations about /castsequence :