I also am finding that the way macro’s are going to have to be made is this way from now on and that it appears to be a 3 line coding…
(main castsequence) /castsequence blah blah blah
( secondary spell ) /cast /use Blah
(third spell) /cast /use Blah
(additional lines target/ swap etc) /startattack
anything more then this and it seems to lock the macro’s up or fails to fire that spell. The key im finding with the macro’s i have written for 6.0 so far is to really pay attention to they type of Spell and CD it has. Try to place your buffs across all the action-bar swaps if possible, if you cant do it in the usual 3 go ahead and make that fourth bar a buff bar for yourself and incorporate some other CD’s in the main rotation bars.
example’s from my Feral Build
Bar 1
/targetenemy [noharm,dead]
/castsequence reset=target Shred,Shred,Shred,Rip,Rake,Shred,Shred,Shred,Shred,Savage Roar,Rake,Shred,Faerie Fire,Shred,Shred,Shred,Rip,Rake,Shred,Faerie Fire,
/swapactionbar 1 2
Bar 2
/cast [nostealth,nocombat] Prowl
/castsequence [stealth,nocombat]reset=target Rake
/swapactionbar 2 3
/cast [combat]Tiger’s Fury
/cast [combat]Berserk
/cast [combat] Skull Bash
/console autounshift 0
/use [@player,combat] Healing Touch
/console autounshift 1
/cast [nostance:2] Cat Form(Shapeshift)
/swapactionbar 3 1
/cast [combat] Survival Instincts