How to make a macro that uses Sunder armor on first global and not use it anymore?

Hi its my first post here. Im working on a macro for my warrior in classic era and im trying to make everytime the macro resets, the first ability would be a Sunder armor and not to use it anymore. I tried doing a premacro with Keypress and adding it to the first line of the sequence itself, but it keeps doing it every 2 button press. Is there any way to do this ? I would appreciate a lot if someone explains how to do so.
Im gonna leave two pictures so you see what i’ve done and how to solve it.

All i want is that the first ability it makes everytime the macro is reset / i change target is a sunder armor and then it doesnt makes it anymore. Appreciate the time reading it thansk a lot (Web only allows me to paste 2 links but you are just missing 1 whirlwind cast and thats all)

Hello there.

First and foremost you need to use a “conditional” and variable .

Like this one :

/castsequence reset=target Sunden Armor, null


/castsequence reset=target/combat Sunden Armor,.null

It will work ok in a plain block action but its better to have it as a variable.

So the variable to work will be like this :

~~ KeyPress ~~
/cast Heroic Strike.

That will be your block.

Remember to put the symbols ~~ before and after to work ( WITH NO SPACES ) .


Yeah i realised that and did it like that. One last question if you dont mind. Is there any way that the macro doesnt starts swapping abilities until that sunder armor is usable due to rage or due to im not yet able to attack the mob because im not on range or anything like that ? Or thats just not doable ? Thanks a lot in advance for the first repply mate and for the second if you read it ^^

Not doable, but that how it works WoW API, never gonna change.

The “IF” exists ONLY within the GSE itself, but only in a manner that that your interaction happens within this blizzard API rules.

Im not the DEV creator , but you need to think the WoW API interacts with gse3 ONLY IN COMBAT ( thats where the exchange information happens ).
