Hunter Discord

Im getting WOW51900319 disconect @150ms
any one know how i can fix this ?

yeah drop it from 150

Added them on almost all lines after it uses 1. Cobra Shoot ???? So it still prio Kill Command if off cd. So like this:

/castsequence Kill Command, Barbed Shot, Cobra Shot
/castsequence Kill Command, Cobra Shot
/castsequence Kill Command, Chimaera Shot, Cobra Shot
/castsequence Kill Command, Cobra Shot

I dont get energy starved this way atleast + it use way more Cobra Shots ???

I’m glad it is working for you. For me it only slows down shooting off my priority spells. Remember we regen focus way better now and we don’t have to have the mentality that we have to use up the focus. In my opinion our priority is Kill Command and Barbed Shot for BFA, I could be wrong, Cobra Shot is really only needed a few times to reset Kill Command plus it doesn’t hit that hard as before. But I am pleased that it works for you on a consistent basis.

This macro is getting hung up on Kill Commands, which is a dps loss. Any way to fix that. Obviously, we’d have to take some out of the cast sequences, but I’m not sure where.

Are you referring to my macro or the addition of the lines that b3taversion1 suggested?

I want to add for Precast Macro (which I did type it in the Precast Macro):

/cast Aspect of the Wild
/cast A Murder of Crows
/cast Bestial Wrath
/cast Kill Command

But it is not doing the precast, is there a reason why?

Read up on the new GCD, AoTW and BW all share the same GCD and can no longer be kinda like casted at the same time. You have to wait the 1.5sec (depending on your haste) before you can cast the other one. That is why they are now in the main body of the macro. The following are the actual changes:

Hunter GCD Changes:

All Specs
Disengage No GCD
Binding Shot 1.5s GCD
Exhilaration 1.5s GCD

Beast Mastery
Bestial Wrath 1.5s
Intimidation 1.5s
Aspect of the Wild 1.3s
Stampede 1.5s

Hunter’s Mark 1.5s
Trueshot 1.5s

Harpoon 0.5s
Intimidation 1.5s
Coordinated Assault 1.5s

Either way it seems to have a pause for me :frowning: I’ve fixed that by running Qa’pla/Apex Predator’s Claw but the boots are a dps loss over Parsel’s Tongue. I’m running it at about 65-75ms. Anything higher and the dps goes way down. I assume this is just because of the GCD and cannot be avoided.

I have a problem with this macro and all in gereral. My DPS is lower than all of the others I see in this topic … I made 1300-1400 dps with a 179 ILV Beast Master Hunt when I see a lot of you dps at 3000 or 4000.

Yes my ILV is not good but it doesn’t explain why my dps is so low. I copy the code in the right place and I use it in the 1 Touch number on my keyboard. Even if i spam this touch it’s just 1400 max dps. And i have just one legendary the chest.

Why ? Just my ILV ? I dont think so or maybe it’s because I dont change MS because I don’t know how xhange it.

Thanks for help it’s gonna make me crazy ! Oh and i Use the first macro of yours the Solo Target of course on the mannequins.

I have a problem with this macro and all in gereral. My DPS is lower than all of the others I see in this topic … I made 1300-1400 dps with a 179 ILV Beast Master Hunt when I see a lot of you dps at 3000 or 4000.

Yes my ILV is not good but it doesn’t explain why my dps is so low. I copy the code in the right place and I use it in the 1 Touch number on my keyboard. Even if i spam this touch it’s just 1400 max dps. And i have just one legendary the chest.

Why ? Just my ILV ? I dont think so or maybe it’s because I dont change MS because I don’t know how xhange it.

Thanks for help it’s gonna make me crazy ! Oh and i Use the first macro of yours the Solo Target of course on the mannequins.

I’ll see if I can explain this, Actually you are fine. Most of us are around the ILvl of 220 give or take. Most of us have two Legendaries which will make a difference also. From what I can tell Parcel’s Tongue and Zevrim’s Hunger are the best in slot Legendaries. Also, if you have Killer Instinct as your Tier 1 talent you will not see your max dps on a target dummy as it takes effect when the target is below 35% health.

So to sum it up, yes your ILvl and only having one Legendary does make a difference. Also haste will play a big part in BFA.

Hope this helps you out. Feel free to ask any questions, I don’t mind helping out if I can.

Thanks you buddy ! I return comment here after upgrage my ILV and test my dps against a boss ! <3 <3

Just did a little experimenting - if you use soul of the huntmaster, this macro works even better :slight_smile:

In reading the beastmastery forums, I’ve been told that having pet attacks macro’d to your abilities will increase your dps because they dont spam attacks by default… is it possible to weave this into the macro easily since they’re off the gcd?

Yes it is. Try inserting the following in the pre macro section:

/cast Claw(Basic Attack)
/cast Bite(Basic Attack)
/cast Smack(Basic Attack)

OP - great macro set, very good. Thanks.

So while I’m running my macro rotation (using Microsoft x6 keyboard with auto-repeat button press 120ms) I am not able to mouse click anything that is off gcd like Disengage, Aspect of the Cheetach and Turtle (except my pet abilities like Spirit Mend for example). I have to stop my macro and then I can use that other ability. I already made macros and added 2x /stopcasting command but It did not help. Any ideas?

I think this is my favorite macro so far, I appreciate how much this focuses on keeping Kill Command used. The only problem I’ve noticed is how low of a priority Bestial Wrath is. When it comes off cd, the macro chooses 4-5 abilities before it casts BW again.

Oh yeah I have a last question. HOW is possible to change the MS ? I dont find it

Most people who don’t have a programmable mouse (not sure if you do or not), use a program called Auto Hotkey. (I think I got it right lol) AHK for short. I don’t know much about it, as I use my mouse to set up the function, but I’m sure there are plenty of people who can help you! The function to change MS isn’t something that is built into GSE.

Ok Im back after test on aggramar and argus : 1950 dps on Aggramar and 2100 on Argus with my actual 188 ILV stuff. You’re right buddy my dps is not so bad. And when my ilv grow to 230-240 it would be amazing !

Try this.

Thanks ! And what exactly the change of the MS do ?

07-27-18: +200-400 DPS Increase
Added /cast Bite (seems to increase DPS)
Added /cast [mod:shift] Multi-Shot (No need for AOE Macro)
Added /cast Intimidation (why not)
Overall increased my dps on average +400

You will need to change that to
/cast Claw(Basic Attack)
/cast Bite(Basic Attack)
/cast Smack(Basic Attack)
Depending on what pet you have since different pets have different basic attacks

You will need to change that to /cast Claw(Basic Attack) /cast Bite(Basic Attack) /cast Smack(Basic Attack) Depending on what pet you have since different pets have different basic attacks

It’s working fine without the (Basic Attack) and I have the core hound so I only have the Bite in there.