Igz One-Button High Key Shadow Priest 10.1 - 125k DPS OVERALL

I did :crazy_face: I have tryd a few things over the past few days

All good thanks for the reply. This macro works as long as you cast a spell to start combat. I got my priest to 3k io using it was just trying to find out why it wouldnt cast when I targeted something & started combat. I gave up & moved to another macro thats firing when I start combat. Thanks for the help

WELL im not getting the 125k dps im only getting 20k , is there a reason ,

Does anyone have a screenshot of the talents then can share please?

What you can do is import the talents into wowhead by importing the talent code, all ready to go.

Can we get a 10.2 Update please, and maybe better ST Raid boss, it seems like it needs to casts mind blast and devouring plague less then amount of times. =P

looks like the talents dont translate int current game version and dps is in the 15 to 20 k at best is there an update in this thread that got lost or just time to move on to another ?

try wowhead talents and see if you get better. if it doesnt then move on or wait til Lolgnome updates.

ty so much i have tried a couple of different ones i made up and i can make it worse lol but ill try to make it better now

For me it’s saying the talent code up top is out of date hence why I asked for a screenshot.

Weird cause it went straight into wowheads talent tree no problem, that link i posted was from the OP’s talent code.

paste the copied talents from the main post here into wowhead’s talent calc then export from there and import into game. will import just fine.

Updated for talents:


Usage Information

Run @50ms

This macro contains 2 macro templates. This Sequence was exported from GSE 3.1.51.

  • The Default macro template is 2
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I get an error for this code

So when i run this updated macro it will not fire off shadow crash with the use of the shift mod, also there are a bunch of RED nulls all thru the macro block, i thoought i heard that any red in the macro messes up the macro.

Not sure what happened. I just updated the talent tree to reflect the talents. I did not modify the macro.
the shift modifier is still in there for shadow crash and the talents include the talent.

for reference:


Need to swap Halo for Divine Star in the macro :slight_smile:

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as shadow priest? - i have never used DS in shadow :open_mouth:

The macro itself had DS in it istead of Halo, was specced for Halo :slight_smile:

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Do we have a final macro functioning with DS?