Ikory's Storm Windfury Enhancement (Updated June 14 2024)

Hey all, I tried many things for enhancement and I absolutely do not like it when my windfury totem is taken away. :frowning: So I created one that specializes in storm and that lets you get to keep your Windfury Totem. Old inspirations are Xero’s old macros, a bit of Elfyau’s previous-expac ones and more.

I was able to take what I learned from him and other commenters. I went to raidbots, Icy-Veins, and was able to adjust them to work. I got rid of a lot of talents I don’t use and readjusted it for more passives.

Again this is a storm macro with windfury. If you want elemental enhancement, please go to Elfyau’s macros, which is the best elemental I was able to find.



  • This build has Poison Clensing Totem and Cleanse Spirit so you can help a bit more in M+.

Single Target




Good job does it use totems or do manually have to use them?

I manually kick my windfury out but I believe I have a hidden block for windfury in it. I prefer to macro my totems separately.

Also a tip for this, keep strafing right/left so you only use lightning when you’re instant cast

Thank you for this. Will try it out.

You did an amazing job with this. I normally write paladin/warrior macros and wanted to test out Shaman… and this was exactly what I was looking for. Thank you.

10.2 is out. I am maining an enhancement shaman this patch. I’ll be publishing an update to this when I have time to test the new changes.

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Thank you! Appreciate you sharing.

I’ve poured over the Icy-Veins, WoWHead and Earthshrine guides and their rotations are waaaayyy worse than what this is. Been practicing rotations since the patch hit. Still trying out the new combinations to see what I can get.

Keep in mind I don’t have tier 31 just yet.

only use if tier 31 is gotten for primordial wave. If not, use the current version I have in post one.


GSE import:


This macro contains 1 macro template. This Sequence was exported from GSE 3.1.43.

great macro been wanting to play enhance for a while and this is the best one i’ve seen. only downside for me it never cast doom winds at all, i suspect it is a GCD issue because i replaced doom winds with my racial which has a similar cooldown and it fires every time.for now doom winds is on a mod for me at least, great work look forward to future updates

Hello, im a total noob at macros but when i import the one u poster for tier 31 it doesnt do a thing when i spam it

Question: If you use /castsequence [nochanneling:Lightning Bolt], Stormstrike
Would that not make it to only cast the Lightning Bolt when it’s instant?
My Apologies if it sounds stoopid but I am learning here as I go :slight_smile:
Thank you

no the nochanneling would just make it not interrupt any other spell casting to cast lightning bolt.

Ikory, appreciate you keeping the community update for T31. I tried yours when I was finally ready to slow down on pally progression, sadly I wasnt able to hit near what sims was coming up for me. My sham is 455 ilvl and sims show like 111k st, 367k aoe.

I messed around with my old one a bit and was able to get 105k st, 275k aoe. Give it a try and see if you can figure out what im missing to get aoe up that extra 100k maybe.

I am currently testing a new generation of storm rotations. I don’t like elementalist and I like my windfury totem. I hope to share my latest iteration later today or tomorrow.

Hello everyone. My latest macro is posted above if you’d like to test it out.

I’ll give it a test a little bit later, and i’ll return with respons about this :slight_smile: and thank for your great job :slight_smile:

After some few test in LFR
It seems okay, doing 140k and raidbot said 180k.
but i prefer elementalist. (and added a MOD to windfury totem :slight_smile: )

Thank you! I am a Storm fanboy, but not very good at making these macros. Every other one is enhancement. I’ll continue to work on it. For M+ it looks like Storm AOE is going to be superior, once I figure it out.

I’ll give it a try again as stormy… and thank again :slight_smile:

/castsequence [mod:alt,combat,nochanneling,@cursor] Windfury Totem