Im learning Macros

I installed GSE… and I have been playing with it and macros for days now. I am trying to learn what I am reading when I see something like this:

> 1.2
> /targetenemy [noharm][dead]
> /castsequence [@player,nochanneling] Death and Decay, Outbreak, Clawing Shadows, Festering Strike, Outbreak, Clawing Shadows, Festering Strike

Im curious of /castsequence and how it works and I am also curious about “@player” from what I am reading @player casts something on myself… why am I casting *

Death and Decay, Outbreak, Clawing Shadows, Festering Strike, Outbreak, Clawing Shadows, Festering Strike

On myself? or am I not?

If I am being too much of a PITA… Is there some page/thread/resource I can go to where I can read the definition of each macro command so I can understand how to build my own?

Thanks all, Stry

If you see a macro that has a cast sequence with duplicate spells like this, avoid. it is pointless. Also am not a DK atm but if these spell do not share GCD then this will freeze a lot.

@player will cast Death and Decay at your feet