Hi! i’m new to this forum and i would like to know if there is a possibility on GSE to check status (exemple = enrage or fully rage) to start a new “castsequence” on the same macro. I did a little research and i found something similar within the MacroVersions, they identify if you are in a raid, mythic or pvp (which is a kind of a status check type). So, i got these 2 Macros: 1st for regular rotation (without CD’s or Rampage) and the 2nd for when you are enraged (which is basically for executions phases since rampage is out of macro because of the Frothing Berserker Talent). I Hope you guys can understand my english and thnx in advance.
Sequences [‘FuryRegular’] = {
Author = “Tairo”,
SpecID = 71,
Talents = “2333232”,
Help = “Use Rampage outside of this macro when you are at 100 rage”
Default = 1,
MacroVersions = {
[1] = {
StepFunction = “Priority”,
“/targetenemy [noharm][dead]”,
“/cast Charge”,
“/cast Bloodthrist”,
“/cast Raging Blow”,
“/castsequence Bloodthrist, Raging Blow”,
“/castsequence Raging Blow, Bloodthrist”,
“/cast Furious Slash”,
Sequences [‘FuryEnraged’] = {
Author = “Tairo”,
SpecID = 71,
Talents = “2333232”,
Help = “Use Rampage outside of this macro when you are at 100 rage”
Default = 1,
MacroVersions = {
[1] = {
StepFunction = “Priority”,
“/targetenemy [noharm][dead]”,
“/cast Charge”,
“/cast Execute”,
“/cast Bloodthrist”,
“/cast Raging Blow”,
“/castsequence Bloodthrist, Raging Blow”,
“/castsequence Raging Blow, Bloodthrist”,