Is there a "true" way to sequential?

I’m really new to this, and I want to get the most out of it, as we all do.

What I want is kind of a “true” sequential execution of my macro.

1 => 2 => 3 => 4 =>…n
Don’t do 2 before 1 has been done, etc.

Best example would be Rapture from Disc Priest:

  1. Rapture
  2. 6 times Power Word: Shield (adjusted to my GCD of 1.27s = 8/1,27 = 6,2)
  3. Flash Heal
  4. 2 times Power Word: Radiance

Do 1.
Repeat 2. 6 times
Do 3.
Do 4. 2 times

No matter how fast I’m hitting that button.
What I have so far is this:

	["Variables"] = {
		["KeyRelease"] = {
			[1] = "/cast [nochanneling] Fade"
		["KeyPress"] = {
			[1] = "/target mouseover"
	["Actions"] = {
		[1] = {
			[1] = {
				[1] = "/cast [@player] 47536",
				[2] = "~~KeyRelease~~",
				["Type"] = "Action"
			[2] = {
				[1] = {
					[1] = "~~KeyPress~~",
					[2] = "/cast [help,nodead,nochanneling] 17",
					["Type"] = "Action"
				["Type"] = "Loop",
				["Repeat"] = 6,
				["StepFunction"] = "Priority"
			[3] = {
				[1] = "~~KeyPress~~",
				[2] = "/cast [help,nodead,nochanneling] 2061",
				["Type"] = "Action"
			[4] = {
				[1] = {
					[1] = "~~KeyPress~~",
					[2] = "/cast [help,nodead,nochanneling] 194509",
					["Type"] = "Action"
				["Type"] = "Loop",
				["Repeat"] = 2,
				["StepFunction"] = "Priority"
			["Type"] = "Loop",
			["Repeat"] = 2,
			["StepFunction"] = "Sequential"
	["InbuiltVariables"] = {


But it never gets past the PWS Loop.
In my mind, it should work like I want it to.

Any insight is really appreciated. :slight_smile:

If u want something that is that static, i myself am not sure what you are wanting but try just one box

/castsequence [whatever conditions] reset=combat 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 4, 4

I think this should work but im on my phone and cant really see the picture of txt

This is where I ended up as well. I just wanted to avoid this worm of a macro.