Issue with Actionbar Overrides

Hello. Maybe someone can help me.
While KeyBinding and Actionbar Overrides · TimothyLuke/GSE-Advanced-Macro-Compiler Wiki · GitHub says: you might run into trouble when switching off a mount in combat the actionbar is unable to swap back to a GSE Sequence until you leave combat (i use elvui). I am always getting this. After I skyride, even out of combat, the GSE macro will stop working. The icon is still there, it just doesnt run (the WA also doesnt show anything) and I have to reoverride for it to start working again.
Am I missing something simple?

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i got the same problem…did anyone message you ?

Sadly no, I ended up using keybindings for everything.

There is an update coming to remedy the issue you are having, just gotta wait for Tim to finish testing.

Thank you for the heads-up!

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