Item is not ready yet

So, BM Hunter using the Elfy macro OB. I get a lot of item is not ready yet. i am basically hitting button over an over but is there something I am missing. I assumed it would just keep going but this is happening a ton and slowing down the rotation. I am using the talent build in the elfy post. Please enlighten me as I am rather new. I appreciate it.

GSE moves to the next line irrespective of success or failure of what is being attempted. The macro you are using is expecting that you are pressing the button while the GCD is in effect and that it’s trying to use something as it has no way of knowing if it’s available or not, the only thing it can do is try. This error you can turn off in WoW’s options to stop it bugging you

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its trying to use your trinkets when they are still on cooldown. your either gonna have to try what Timothy said or turn off the use of trinkets in the macro.

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