Izzerri elemental macro package (ST and AOE macros) 01/25/2022

I been running ice fury. I think when I made them I was running primal.

Ok now im running Icefury, Now i do have 1 question when im holding “Alt” for earthquake it seems to not do it for a good 10-20 sec and with the lego it would be nice if it just popped it am i doing something wrong i have enough malestrom for it

let me take a look at it, I am not sure honestly on that one. I will try to look at it tomorrow or Saturday.

OK, was suffering from migraine earlier, still not 100% was going to wait until tomorrow to look at it, but could not wait that long, I looked at the macro and I see why there was a delay. The way I wrote it work, but the macro had to cycle to get to that command. I changed the location to key release and changed internal triggers to reflect the mod:alt

One hope you get feeling better. Two thank you so much for the fix i was thinking like you it was cycling thru before it would go off and when you have the leggo its kinda a big thing u don’t wanna waste the proc to hit earthquake.

let me know if it works better

what is the Versions levels mean? sorry, not understanding the description you put.

the levels are for those leveling a shaman up, not many macros work for leveling a toon up. My way of trying to help.

so when you hit a certain level as you level your toon you can switch to the next macro until you are able to use the main macro. Not sure how I can say that and make more sense. I am open for suggestions. I did not mean to confuse anyone

i get it, now its the levels you have listed that threw me off. lol

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i think i’m haveing a issue, only mod that is working for me, is the Shift mod. i hold or press the other mods and they stop my casting sequence, once i let go i can start casting rotation again. is there something i am doing wrong?

I will look at it and let you know if I see an issue

are you saying you have to repress the main macro button to restart the sequence or it only casts the mod spell until you release the mod key?

i’ll be fighting and pressing the macro key, then i will decide to press “Shift” and macro key to reapply Lightning shield and flame tounge, but those wont happen and i stop casting main spells, until i release the “Shift”. same thing with the “alt” key.

Do those mod keys work in different macros for you, I keep looking through the macro I am not seeing anything that should stop them from working here. I am still looking into it myself.

I am using mine with no issue. Are you using autohot key or like program. Have you checked your keybindings?

Make shure “Shift” and “Alt” are not bound in your actual wow game. You have to clear those out all the shifts and alt keybinds for it to work.

on other macros i havnt had a issue. they cast what spell is bound to them within their macro. just thought it was odd in yours, i have removed and reput in the macro.

I am at a loss, I have zero issues using any of the mods. Nothing in the writing that should cause that issue. Hard to help fix an issue with out being able to duplicate it.

i’ll see if i can make a short vid of what is happening. i’ll PM you and we can go from there. :slight_smile: