Izzerri elemental macro package (ST and AOE macros) 01/25/2022

Hi mate…I’ve been trying to mod this area. I’m finding that Icefury times out before the 4th Fost Shock therefore losing the Crit bonus from it. I tried creating a block with just Icefury and a loop associated with it with 2 blocks of Frost Shock with a x2 repeat…but I can’t get it to focus on that loop entirely when Icefury is up. The loop hasn’t worked so I added another block with Frost Shock which just does it but isn’t effective. When Icefury is up I get 3x 11k hits from Frost Shock…but not the 4th as it times out. I’d like it to do 4x Frosts immediately before moving on.


I’ve also changed the mods to suit me. Can you advise please? I think I misunderstand the loop option and thought that it would do that before returning to the rest of the macro. These is an Add if but but haven’t worked that out yet

I may have sorted it by removing the 1st Flame shock at the front of the /castsequence with with Icefury in it

I will take a peak at what you did and check the timing on my end also. I have a migraine today and not getting in game. But wanted to touch base so you did not think I was ignoring your post.

Massive update and added level versions for up coming ele shamans

raid version? could you make one for plus please too

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give me a little to research both of those and I will see what I can do.

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this macro still has lots of bugs

I have not looked at this one in over a month. if I have time I will look at it again.

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How are things coming along with the macros, @Izzi? You said you needed time before checking on this one. Has 10 days been enough time? lol Thanks for providing quality macros so far.