JM Fire MAge - SL

Hey john great macro. no worries take your time. Its was just my understanding of GSE and macros in general that is the issue. So far I’ve gotten all the mods to work. I’ve been getting to learning the functionality of the GSE from your macro so sorry if I ask any stupid questions that have been asked by many new people.

so far ive moved

/castsequence [mod:ctrl] Fireball, Combustion, Fire Blast, Pyroblast, Fire Blast, Pyroblast, Fire Blast, Pyroblast

to keypress. and changed it to

/click [mod:ctrl] OPENFIRE <--------- my separate opener macro

in the separate macro im trying to copy this sequence

(31) FIRE MAGE GUIDE 9.0 | One Button Combustion Macro and Rotation Explained - YouTube
/castsequence reset=30 Combustion, Fire Blast, Fire Blast, Pyroblast, Pyroblast, Phoenix Flames, Pyroblast, Fire Blast, Pyroblast, Phoenix Flames, Pyroblast, Fire Blast, Pyroblast, Phoenix Flames, Pyroblast

My toon has terrible haste and is still at level 58 so i might be wrong, but im not sure why he has Fire Blast twice. followed up with 2 pyroblasts seems like a waste of 2 fire blasts and will get stuck at the second pyroblast because hot streak wont be proced. maybe the pyroblast is suppost to crit which sparks a hot streak? well in any case I changed it for now, but I still haven’t tested it yet. I wanted some input from you or the community and I have a couple of questions.

NOTE: when i hold Ctrl i make sure im constantly moving around or jumping so pyroblast doesn’t start channeling. its the only “conditional syntax” i could think of, to make pyroblast only cast during a hot streak lol.
my other idea was that if I decide to keep holding down Ctrl forever and wait for combustion to refresh. I could include Scorch or Mirror Image into the rotation for a filler when all Fire Blasts and Phoenix Flames have been exhausted.

SEQUENTIAL {1 2 3 4}

--------INNER LOOP LIMIT------
??? not sure which number to use but with 13 lines of code @100ms how many loops is = to 12 seconds (combustion duration) i wanted to cast Shifting Power after the combustion duration. Lets hope keypress doesn’t make it 14 lines of code otherwise I’m not sure what MS to run the macro at for it to run smoothly. For some reason it feels like 1200 is the wrong answer.

/targetenemy [noharm][dead]

/cast Combustion
/cast Time Warp

/cast Pyroblast
/cast Fire Blast
/cast Pyroblast
/cast Phoenix Flames
/cast Pyroblast
/cast Fire Blast
/cast Pyroblast
/cast Phoenix Flames
/cast Pyroblast
/cast Fire Blast
/cast Pyroblast
/cast Phoenix Flames
/cast Pyroblast

/cast Shifting Power

any type of feed back from the community would be great. like should i be using nochanneling on certain skills or another condition? or like should i simplify it down to 3 skills and use priority step function (1,12,123)? there’s definetly alot more i can learn

ok we got to be carful not to derail my thread with all this ill touch on the inner loop calculations.
how I personally do things is this.

total each line in the sequence + 1 for each keypress, pre and post macro if used not the number in each. etc (only cast functions count) so in the above case i would get 15.

now when looping realize that the premacro will only fire once it completes a “lap” of just the sequence section. ie the macro has tried all the lines there, successful casts or not. and the loop value you put in is saying cast the premacro after X number of laps .

so back to the math. and how i do things in my macros.
next we divide 1000 by 15, the 1000 is ms or a single second if you prefer.
so 1000 div by 15 = 66.6666 rec well say 67

so with a MS set to 67 when you use that macro it will complete a lap in 1 second of time (roughly) so you could just set your loop limit to 12 and you would be close to on the money.
HOWEVER accept that this is not perfect science in that not every lap will be the same as some laps might be faster as nothing is cast, and others slower as more than one thing, like a regular spell + an of the GCD or instant cast, channeled spells and long cast also throw a spanner.

so from here you have to test and test to find the sweet spot.
but as you can see 67ms is too fast for most classes and is why i only keep to a handful of lines instead of massive lines of code.
alternatively if you want to run it at 100ms you will have to calculate how long a lap will take at that speed. so for the above it would take 1.5 seconds at 100ms so a loop starting point would be 6
then test to fine tune and accept it wont be a perfect 6 seconds every time.


you the man john. sorry for derailing your thread lol

Hello John,

First sorry for my bad englisch. I stopt wow long time ago so my fingers are not very quick anymore but I want to play my mage and need an macro. But is it possibel to change the mod from ctrl to shift?

greets Novicy

Hey Novicy , just open up GSE and look thru the macro and everywhere you see CTRL and want it changed ,just change it SHIFT. then click save macro in bottom left and you are good to go

as stated its a simple change just change any line you see that has [mod:ctrl] to [mod:shift] and your golden.

I keep getting errors when trying to run your macro?? MACRO ERROR FIRE_SL macro may cause a ‘RestrictedExecution.lua:431’ error as it has 281 actions when compiled. This get interesting when you go past 255 actions. You may need to simplify this macro.

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this, spams this error. unable to use

yeah i need to adjust things currently leveing a hunter i will check it out soon TM

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ok fixed it let me know it this works



Talents: 3231123

This macro contains 1 macro template. This Sequence was exported from GSE 3.0.50.