Hey john great macro. no worries take your time. Its was just my understanding of GSE and macros in general that is the issue. So far I’ve gotten all the mods to work. I’ve been getting to learning the functionality of the GSE from your macro so sorry if I ask any stupid questions that have been asked by many new people.
so far ive moved
/castsequence [mod:ctrl] Fireball, Combustion, Fire Blast, Pyroblast, Fire Blast, Pyroblast, Fire Blast, Pyroblast
to keypress. and changed it to
/click [mod:ctrl] OPENFIRE <--------- my separate opener macro
in the separate macro im trying to copy this sequence
(31) FIRE MAGE GUIDE 9.0 | One Button Combustion Macro and Rotation Explained - YouTube
/castsequence reset=30 Combustion, Fire Blast, Fire Blast, Pyroblast, Pyroblast, Phoenix Flames, Pyroblast, Fire Blast, Pyroblast, Phoenix Flames, Pyroblast, Fire Blast, Pyroblast, Phoenix Flames, Pyroblast
My toon has terrible haste and is still at level 58 so i might be wrong, but im not sure why he has Fire Blast twice. followed up with 2 pyroblasts seems like a waste of 2 fire blasts and will get stuck at the second pyroblast because hot streak wont be proced. maybe the pyroblast is suppost to crit which sparks a hot streak? well in any case I changed it for now, but I still haven’t tested it yet. I wanted some input from you or the community and I have a couple of questions.
NOTE: when i hold Ctrl i make sure im constantly moving around or jumping so pyroblast doesn’t start channeling. its the only “conditional syntax” i could think of, to make pyroblast only cast during a hot streak lol.
my other idea was that if I decide to keep holding down Ctrl forever and wait for combustion to refresh. I could include Scorch or Mirror Image into the rotation for a filler when all Fire Blasts and Phoenix Flames have been exhausted.
SEQUENTIAL {1 2 3 4}
--------INNER LOOP LIMIT------
??? not sure which number to use but with 13 lines of code @100ms how many loops is = to 12 seconds (combustion duration) i wanted to cast Shifting Power after the combustion duration. Lets hope keypress doesn’t make it 14 lines of code otherwise I’m not sure what MS to run the macro at for it to run smoothly. For some reason it feels like 1200 is the wrong answer.
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
/cast Combustion
/cast Time Warp
/cast Pyroblast
/cast Fire Blast
/cast Pyroblast
/cast Phoenix Flames
/cast Pyroblast
/cast Fire Blast
/cast Pyroblast
/cast Phoenix Flames
/cast Pyroblast
/cast Fire Blast
/cast Pyroblast
/cast Phoenix Flames
/cast Pyroblast
/cast Shifting Power
any type of feed back from the community would be great. like should i be using nochanneling on certain skills or another condition? or like should i simplify it down to 3 skills and use priority step function (1,12,123)? there’s definetly alot more i can learn