John's 7.3 Fury Macro

Is there no way to put “Execute” in the ST macro?

Anyone else have lockups on these warrior macros. It’s strange…all other macros work great. Every time I use this one or the others here, it starts fine, but after a few seconds nothing but auto attacks are happening. Only on my warriors. Funky huh?


Yes, I do. I am not sure if I am not geared right… I am level 101, and Fury specced as the macro says to be. I will get one rotation off and pull 90K, then the next 2 or so minutes, I am spamming and lucky to break 25K again. I know it has to be the CD’s but that is not an issue on any other class I use GS macros on.

Did you guys checked if the modifier worked for you ? Also keep in mind that Execute dont work on dummies.

Any update on this?

I dont know why but its not firing off rampage with or with using alt

Is there any way to add a modifier to use the AOE macro as well?
I put /cast [mod:shift] lazyfuryAOE, but I think I got it slightly wrong.

yeah change /cast to /click and it should work

[quote quote=57073]Anyone else have lockups on these warrior macros. It’s strange…all other macros work great. Every time I use this one or the others here, it starts fine, but after a few seconds nothing but auto attacks are happening. Only on my warriors. Funky huh?

I have this problem with any macro where there are items in pre/post macro. This macro has always hung up on me, and then I’m standing there beating on something with auto attack. Bummer, because it sounds like a strong macro.

Still not working. Does it need to go under key click, or pre macro?

still not working. does it go under key click, or pre macro?

Whats your MS at john?

I’m having the same issue as you guys. It pops off all the CDs and then doesn’t do anything else. Can someone help?

I usually use a macro from here to get an idea of what works, and then re-write them to work for me. Usually the same rotation, but for me, I have to move things out of ‘pre/post’ macro and into ‘keypress’, ‘sequence’, and ‘key release’.

I also prefer more control and usually have more CDs on the modifiers shift, ctrl, and alt.

make sure you use the talents it recommends, i tried changing 90 tier to bloodbath and it popped all cd’s and did nothing…this is very reliant on raging blow being in rotation.

im having same problem its poping all CD and not doing the other attacks in the sequence

Plz help

Hi, i have a question and a problem .

  1. what addon do you use to spam a button by holding it down ?
  2. i loaded a macro, and also did some myself still: not every click has a effect, sometimes my char just auto attacks til bloodthirst is back up

Any updates to this macro? Numbers seem a little weak at 940 ilvl. Just curious. Love your Work @John Mets

Sorry for the lack of love this macro was getting, (i didn’t think it was popular)
I’ll try and look into this more when i get some time. the current one you Must run Inner rage for it to work and is optimal with T20 4pcs. with the introduction of T21 bloodbath is more viable especially with the soul of the battle lord leggo.
which restricts Raging Blow somewhat so ill have to work on a new macro which is fine but my war is only 890 so I may have to post some early progress ones and get feedback from better-geared warriors

can try this no idea how well it goes

the first tab is a current macro, use only if running inner rage or it will hang
the second tab is for if running bloodbath, no idea how this will go my war is crap gears does not even have a single leggo. but I have put in options, firs there is a modifier for raging blow to use as needed, but can be ignored as there is a cast for it in the main body which should start casting when your enraged.

the only thing I may need to work on is the cast sequence, as this will vary depending on Haste and the cooldown of Bloodbath. its like that cus my warrior is bad and would hang waiting for it to come of Cd but you could remove one of the Furious slash and it may improve performance,

so Test and let me know cheers

Sequences['lazyfury'] = {
-- This Sequence was exported from GSE 2.2.03.
  Author="John Metz",
  Talents = "2333232",
  Help = [[Talents have been setup to a best case scenario as per Icy Veins]],
  MacroVersions = {
    [1] = {
      StepFunction = "Sequential",
        "/cast [mod:alt] Rampage",
        "/cast Charge",
        "/cast Avatar",
        "/cast Battle Cry",
        "/cast Odyn's Fury",
        "/cast Rampage",
        "/cast Battle Cry",
        "/castsequence  reset=combat  Bloodthirst, Raging Blow, Furious Slash",
        "/cast Odyn's Fury",
        "/cast Avatar",
    [2] = {
      StepFunction = "Sequential",
        "/cast [mod:alt] Rampage",
        "/cast [mod:ctrl] Raging Blow",
        "/cast Charge",
        "/cast Avatar",
        "/cast Battle Cry",
        "/cast Odyn's Fury",
        "/cast Bloodbath",
        "/cast Rampage",
        "/cast Battle Cry",
        "/cast Bloodbath",
        "/cast Raging Blow",
        "/castsequence  reset=combat  Bloodthirst, Furious Slash, Furious Slash",
        "/cast Odyn's Fury",
        "/cast Avatar",