Hi. Can somebody help me with this macro?
/castsequence reset=3 Shadowstrike, Flagellation, Cheap Shot, Eviscerate, Marked for Death, Eviscerate
I just want to make work to jump a skill in cooldown. For example, if Flagellation is in Coldown, just jump to cheap shot.
Can’t skip a skill in a castsequence - need to make this a series of regular casts
Can you type any format that can make it work?
/cast Shadowstrike
/cast Flagellation
/cast Cheap Shot
/cast Marked for Death
/cast Eviscerate
Doing a cast sequence the macro will not skip a spell, it will skip the whole line until it can cast the spell. So if you put the above stuff in the macro instead and set the macro to “Sequential 1 2 3 4”, it should do what you want.
Hey, like @TimothyLuke and @Cashlifan said, you should set it as a series of regular casts. You can also try and prioritize this by making you normal castsequence first and then these after, kinda like fail safes. You would then order them with priority too or biggest hitters. Here is a quick example using the info you and Cash provided.
/castsequence reset=3 Shadowstrike, Flagellation, Cheap Shot, Eviscerate, Marked for Death, Eviscerate
/cast Shadowstrike
/cast Flagellation
/cast Cheap Shot
/cast Marked for Death
/cast Eviscerate
I just posted it like that because i dont know your priority or what not. Keep in mind that your “reset=3” likely isnt going to work as you expect. You either need to change that to something like target, combat, or a modifier key. If it is working as you are thinking then either something new has changed in wow or the addon, or something is broken. As Timothyluke said before is it only reset if it hasnt been touched for that amount of time and with you spamming the macro it is touched several times. When i have tried having something reset with time only but with something like a “,null” or a modifier key so, it seems to bugg it out and only cast the first spell repeatedly or a few times before continuing.
With this method though, you want it set to priority then
I need exacly this sequence, but i cant use castsequence, because flagelation has 3 minutes cooldown, the macro has to jump flagellation when it is CD
#showtooltip Shadowstrike
/cast Shadowstrike
/cast Flagellation(Venthyr)
/cast Cheap Shot
/cast Eviscerate
/cast Marked for Death
/cast Eviscerate
but my when always when I click in the hotkey, I use shadowstrike because it is never in CD. I get stuck in the first skill.
Are you using at all GSE2 addon?
Because what you are saying, it seems not.
PS: nochanneling every ability and try agagin
Yes, im using GSE, but i cant write the correct macro to use with GSE2
Screenshots would be nice, so we can help you better.
PS: Wait what? are you using original vintage gnomesequencer? that wont work ofc.
skills in portuguese
You have GSE installed but you are not using gSE for that macro. You need to create your macro inside the GSE editor (via /gse) as a start
Now you need to understand some of the how things work. You can ibly execute one skill GcD per key press. Because you seem to have Everything in KeyPress you need to fix that. Have a look foe my post on “Macro locks”. I’d link it but am on a phone atm.