🐉 K8: Augmentation PVE - 4 Modifiers for Optimal Rotation, Dungeons, M+

:information_source: Intro


This is my Augmentation PVE Sequences and Weak Auras.

:blue_book: Explanation

This uses all 3 modifiers as well as a no modifier sequence.

:asterisk: No Modifier

This is the main rotation, you will mostly use this.

:asterisk: CTRL

This is Fire Breath, you mostly want to use it at one charge usually (see guides). You need to stop the macro and only press again when you want it to go off.

:asterisk: SHIFT

This is Upheaval, you mostly want to use it at one charge usually (see guides). You need to stop the macro and only press again when you want it to go off.

:asterisk: ALT

This is Breath of Eaons your big cooldown.

:toolbox: Utility

No real utility is included for now except Blossom on cooldown.

:floppy_disk: Talents


:floppy_disk: GSE Sequences

:floppy_disk: Weak Auras

:thought_balloon: Closing Thoughts

I will keep working on this and updating it as I gear up my alt and the season starts. Feel free to leave some feedback on what you think could be improved. Know that I’m not very familiar with Weak Aura scripting so I cannot really do much better on that side for now unless some people are willing to give a hand.


works well. I ended up using Breath of Eons on a separate key; found it cumbersome to use with the modifier.

DPS is low but in all honesty I’m not sure if that’s an issue with the macro sequence or my gear.

Keep it up, cheers.

I used hekili to craft the rotations so its probably as good as it gets, keep in mind aug is mainly a support spec and alot (like 50% from what i’ve seen) of the “damage” is actually enhancements given to your teammates, details will show a bar of how much you’ve actually been helping and if i add it up to my damage i’m usually top or second

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I didnt know details! had that “details will show a bar of how much you’ve actually been helping.”

What’s the bar called? I usually just have “Damage Done” and “Healing Done” showing as bars

its on your damage done bar its grayed out on the right of the damage bar

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oh…lol. Ok thank you again.

Hi looks Good, How Many MS are to use?

i use my scroll-wheel for sequences so idk

I’m using 250ms but 200ms also works fine

It works very well. Could you leave Fire Breath, Upheaval, Breath of Eaons in manual release? I would also be interested in what scales can be thrown on the tank, is it possible?

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I am confused on how you keybind all of these. Do you Keybind them all to the same number?