
Another macro tool. Looks promising to me in that I’m always running out of macro slots.

KayrMacro on WoWInterface

KayrMacro Wiki

KayrMacro (KM) is an AddOn for World of Warcraft that expands the functionality of the game's built-in macro system. It adds new conditions and keywords; and greatly expands macro storage, all while retaining full compatibility with the default UI as well as all ActionBar addons.
  • Vastly expanded macro storage (Space for thousands of macros)
  • New advanced macro conditions in addition to those built into WoW
  • Supports macros longer than 255 characters (to almost any length)
  • Macro-shortening and useful shorthands
  • Macro Indentation & Syntax Highlighting during editing

I discovered that unfortunately this and MacroToolkit will conflict. You can have one or the other. I’m going to try and port some of my MTK macros over to try it out. I like the formatting and shortcuts that it provides so far.

So far I’ve had no luck porting macros over. This addon will let me make them but then I can’t drag the macros off to place on the bar. Bummer. I liked how it had short cuts built in for bandages, etc to make some of the simple utility macros.

Right now, MTK doesn’t work with WOD. Kayr is the only one that works with WOD. I haven’t had any major issues with Kayr though.

I tried using Kayr. Other than copy and paste, how on earth do you go to the next line. If you hit enter, it just saves the macro. I tried arrow down and everything I can think of. Did I miss something somewhere?

AHA! Shift+Enter makes a new line! Sigh…

anyone having issues with this addon.

I can’t get Kayr to actually work. I’ve input the macros and saved and what not but nothing is firing.