KeyRelease variable not firing

Hi all, for some reason my KeyRelease variable isn’t firing. This is happening for several different classes and sequences. I see the ability in KeyRelease is available and no other spells are atm, so I figure it should go off.

For example, for Fury Warrior, I have Execute in KeyRelease. I see it has a proc, and that other abilities aren’t available in the debug window, but it doesn’t fire. Any thoughts? The first sequence from the debug window has Rampage not available, but Execute has a proc. I see the proc glowing on the toolbar in the macro, but it doesn’t go off:

F1,2,Rampage from castsequence rampage (item 1 in castsequence.) ,Not Able to Cast,Resources Not Available,GCD Free,Not actively casting anything else.
/targtenemy [noharm][dead]
/cast [combat] Rampage
/cast [combat] Execute
/script UIErrorsFrame:Hide();

This sequence is from other abilities not available, but Execute still doesn’t fire:

F1,3,reset=combat Thunderous Roar, Odyn’s Fury, Odyn’s Fury from castsequence thunderous roar (item 1 in castsequence.) ,Not Able to Cast,Resources Available,GCD Free,Not actively casting anything else.
/targtenemy [noharm][dead]
/castsequence [combat] reset=combat Thunderous Roar, Odyn’s Fury, Odyn’s Fury
/cast [combat] Execute
/script UIErrorsFrame:Hide();

GSE can only attempt to try one GCD ability. Wow does this from reading from the top down and trying the very first one it sees. It doesn’t matter if that’s on cool-down or whether you have the resources or not. Once it sees that first one, every other GCD ability is ignored no matter where it is and whether it should go off or not. This is a wow limitation. One hardware event allows one attempted GCD ability.

Execute is in the GCD so it’s perpetually blocked by the lines above it.

Ok, that’s what I was thinking, thanks!

It’s literally telling you that it sees thunderous roar not execute in the debug message.

3,reset=combat Thunderous Roar, Odyn’s Fury, Odyn’s Fury from castsequence thunderous roar (item 1 in castsequence.)