❄️ Knights of Frost - 11.0 - Deathbringer Raid ST - UPDATED 9/13

Heyo fellow DKs! Coming at you with another Frost DK macro. Can’t promise this is optimal at all, but it does work and wanted to try out something different while remaining a true lazy macro.
This uses the DW Shattering Blade build from WoWHead but you can edit to your liking!
Without further ado, here you go!





Usage Information

Run at 250ms or above (whatever works for you)


If you like my macros and want to offer some support, you can do so here through Kofi: https://ko-fi.com/vinceorl

Guessing not that many people play enough Frost DK to get feedback on this eh? :stuck_out_tongue:

I tried it, but my DK is undergeared so I don’t think I can give any useful feedback lol

All good, whenever you are and have time, let me know! Seems like a lot of the players are unholy now but still wanted to get a decent Frost DK macro out for those who play frost.

i see most frost with breath now

what is your output on dummy?

says your talent code is a no go.

Ah my bad, its the Oblit build from WoWHead

ok… feedback. just ran it three times on dummy till 10 mil damage. once with wowhead suggestion once with icy veins suggestion and once with a different talent spec.

wowhead = 74.2 dps

icy-veins = 95.6 dps (only thing different is one point icebreaker instead of frostwyrms fury so not sure why its so different)

so maybe give that spec a try. I’m not sure why they are different other than at time of me testing there was a lot of traffic on the test dummy. I’m currently Ilvl 474.25 for reference. dont know how different this would be from actual raid but uder 100 seems low for this season if the dummy is anywhere close to awakened raids.

update: I just tried again with wowhead spec and put up 90.3 dps so closer to others now.I will say it’s putting out best damage I’ve tested so far though so kuddos bro.


Much appreciated!
Any suggestions or input, please feel free, or even your own edits :smiley:

Updated for prepatch. Again, probably not optimal but here ya go.

Why don’t I know how to use Frost Dragon Fury with Macro? It’s an important skill

Guessing you are M+ player? If so, thats why, I dont run m+ dungeons.

Gave this another shot. Feedback please, I know it isnt the best.

ya im looking for a good M+ and raiding frost macro so if u can do that awesome let me know if this one is good

So, Vince, I am atm leveling a Frost DK. My main gripe is that I have a self-healing issue with these macros. Any suggestions are welcome.

I can place Death Strike on a modifier if you’d like.

I really like the macro - congrats - The only thing I am trying to figure out is how to take out frostwyrm’s fury. I would like to have control of that so it doesn’t pull extra mobs by mistake and saving it for a boss fight - Thank you - very nice!

Thanks for your macro! I’ve been using it in MM0 with my Frost DK and getting really good results! But is there a macro for the Breath specialization in single-target for the upcoming raid? Otherwise, your macro is 10/10!