this is what I have come up with so far
/castsequence Arcane Shot,Aimed Shot,Arcane Shot,Arcane Shot
/castsequence reset=30 Head Shot
/castsequence reset=5 Marked Shot
no addons work at this time so its just a normal macro
this is what I have come up with so far
/castsequence Arcane Shot,Aimed Shot,Arcane Shot,Arcane Shot
/castsequence reset=30 Head Shot
/castsequence reset=5 Marked Shot
no addons work at this time so its just a normal macro
ok GS is working so I have come up with this
Talents are 3,3,1,3,1,2,2,
Sequences['MmSingle'] = {
StepFunction = [[
limit = limit or 1
if step == limit then
limit = limit % #macros + 1
step = 1
step = step % #macros + 1
PreMacro = [[
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
/cast Rapid Fire
'/cast !Head Shot',
'/castsequence [nochanneling] Arcane Shot,Aimed Shot,Arcane Shot,Arcane Shot',
'/cast [nochanneling] Aimed Shot',
'/cast [nochanneling] !Marked Shot',
PostMacro = [[
/script UIErrorsFrame:Clear()
and a AoE
Sequences['MmAoe'] = {
StepFunction = [[
limit = limit or 1
if step == limit then
limit = limit % #macros + 1
step = 1
step = step % #macros + 1
PreMacro = [[
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
/cast Rapid Fire
'/cast !Head Shot',
'/castsequence [nochanneling] Multi-Shot,Aimed Shot,Multi-Shot,Multi-Shot',
'/cast [nochanneling] Aimed Shot',
'/cast [nochanneling] !Marked Shot',
PostMacro = [[
/script UIErrorsFrame:Clear()
have fun lol
Try these. They seem to put me in decent shape against the starting broken shore stuff.
Sequences["MarksST"] = {
StepFunction = [[
limit = limit or 1
if step == limit then
limit = limit % #macros + 1
step = 1
step = step % #macros + 1
PreMacro = [[
/console Sound_EnableSFX 0
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
[[/cast [nochanneling] Windburst;]],
[[/cast [nochanneling] Aimed Shot;]],
[[/cast [nochanneling] Marked Shot;]],
[[/cast [talent:6/1] A Murder of Crows;[talent:6/2] Barrage;[talent:6/3] Volley;]],
[[/cast [nochanneling, combat] Trueshot]],
[[/cast [nochanneling, talent:7/2] Headshot;]],
[[/cast [nochanneling, talent:7/1] Sidewinders; [nochanneling] Arcane Shot;]],
PostMacro = [[
/petattack [@target,harm]
/use [combat]13
/use [combat]14
/script UIErrorsFrame:Hide();
/console Sound_EnableSFX 1
Sequences["MarksAoE"] = {
StepFunction = [[
limit = limit or 1
if step == limit then
limit = limit % #macros + 1
step = 1
step = step % #macros + 1
PreMacro = [[
/console Sound_EnableSFX 0
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
[[/cast [nochanneling] Windburst;]],
[[/cast [nochanneling] Aimed Shot;]],
[[/cast [nochanneling] Marked Shot;]],
[[/cast [talent:6/1] A Murder of Crows;[talent:6/2] Barrage;[talent:6/3] Volley;]],
[[/cast [nochanneling, combat] Trueshot]],
[[/cast [nochanneling, talent:7/2] Headshot;]],
[[/cast [nochanneling, talent:7/1] Sidewinders; [nochanneling] Multi-Shot;]],
PostMacro = [[
/petattack [@target,harm]
/use [combat]13
/use [combat]14
/script UIErrorsFrame:Hide();
/console Sound_EnableSFX 1
I will give it a go I just made mine when I was in org on the training dummies looks like hunters are off to a good start with the macros so far
What talents have you gone with
That will let you play around with the various talent builds. I personally have been using 1323321
This is what i use in Legion, plays very smooth for me. I don’t switch to another macro between single target and AoE. I switch talents!
talents: Single Target
talents: Multiple Targets (AoE)
talents: Questing in Legion
Sequences["Markman"] = { StepFunction = [[ limit = limit or 1 if step == limit then limit = limit % #macros + 1 step = 1 else step = step % #macros + 1 end ]], PreMacro = [[ /console Sound_EnableSFX 0 /targetenemy [noharm][dead] /cast [combat][@focus,help][help][@pet,exists][nochanneling] Misdirection /cast [@pet,exists][nochanneling][nocombat] Fetch ]], [[/cast [nochanneling, talent:2/2] Black Arrow;]], [[/cast [nochanneling, talent:7/1] Sidewinders; [nochanneling] Arcane Shot;]], [[/cast [nochanneling] Marked Shot;]], [[/cast [nochanneling, talent:7/1] Sidewinders; [nochanneling] Arcane Shot;]], [[/cast [nochanneling] Marked Shot;]], [[/cast [nochanneling] Aimed Shot;]], [[/cast [nochanneling, combat] Trueshot]], [[/cast [nochanneling, talent:7/2] Headshot;]], [[/cast [nochanneling] Windburst;]], [[/cast [nochanneling] Aimed Shot;]], [[/cast [nochanneling, talent:6/1] A Murder of crows;[nochanneling, talent:6/2] Barrage;]],PostMacro = [[
/petattack [@target,harm]
/use [combat]13
/use [combat]14
/script UIErrorsFrame:Hide();
/console Sound_EnableSFX 1
just to put in code
Sequences[“Markman”] = {
StepFunction = [[
limit = limit or 1
if step == limit then
limit = limit % #macros + 1
step = 1
step = step % #macros + 1
PreMacro = [[
/console Sound_EnableSFX 0
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
/cast [combat][@focus,help][help][@pet,exists][nochanneling] Misdirection
/cast [@pet,exists][nochanneling][nocombat] Fetch
[[/cast [nochanneling, talent:2/2] Black Arrow;]],
[[/cast [nochanneling, talent:7/1] Sidewinders; [nochanneling] Arcane Shot;]],
[[/cast [nochanneling] Marked Shot;]],
[[/cast [nochanneling, talent:7/1] Sidewinders; [nochanneling] Arcane Shot;]],
[[/cast [nochanneling] Marked Shot;]],
[[/cast [nochanneling] Aimed Shot;]],
[[/cast [nochanneling, combat] Trueshot]],
[[/cast [nochanneling, talent:7/2] Headshot;]],
[[/cast [nochanneling] Windburst;]],
[[/cast [nochanneling] Aimed Shot;]],
[[/cast [nochanneling, talent:6/1] A Murder of crows;[nochanneling, talent:6/2] Barrage;]],
PostMacro = [[
/petattack [@target,harm]
/use [combat]13
/use [combat]14
/script UIErrorsFrame:Hide();
/console Sound_EnableSFX 1
why cant I get this one to work it seems everytime I try it doesn’t activate the macro I’m copying exactly MarksST and have gnome sequencer on note pad I copy your macro into my folder not in game when I do it I save it in my folder then type in MarksST and it doenst work I even skip a space from my last macro
What version of GS are you using as I had to download GS Enhanced to get it to work but it keeps saying the sequence as well as firing it off
New with GS-E 0.7 works very good
Sequences['MMS'] = {
author='Nano@Beta Max Level PvP',
specID= 254,
helpTxt = 'Talents: 3113122',
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
/cast Trueshot
'/cast [nochanneling] !Arcane Shot',
'/cast [nochanneling] !Marked Shot',
'/cast [nochanneling] Windburst',
'/cast [nochanneling] !Aimed Shot',
'/cast [nochanneling] Piercing Shot',
'/cast [nochanneling] !Arcane Shot',
'/cast [nochanneling] !Marked Shot',
And a AOE as well
Sequences['MMAOE'] = {
author='Nano@Beta Max Level PvP',
specID= 254,
helpTxt = 'Talents: 3113122',
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
/cast Trueshot
'/cast [nochanneling] !Multi-shot',
'/cast [nochanneling] !Marked Shot',
'/cast [nochanneling] Windburst',
'/cast [nochanneling] !Aimed Shot',
'/cast [nochanneling] Piercing Shot',
'/cast [nochanneling] !Multi-shot',
'/cast [nochanneling] !Marked Shot',
This is just a test on Beta at max lvl and I have put Barrage on its own key bind so I can choose when to fire it off cos its still a bitch that pulls everthing lol